aquariumgirl's reefs

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Thanks everyone, I bought it from the LFS here in victoria, I'm fairly sure I can order another one when the time comes and I have a sump system on my tank (gotta start saving now!). It'll be an exciting day, I tell ya!!
Some updated pictures. Enjoy!! :D






Unusual-shot-2.jpg thatclavularia and your tubastrea looks very healthy :)
I love that first picture! The way the light is coming in.
Got a new camara, so I have a few pictures:



This picture you can actually see their orange mouths!!


And another close up of the mommy suncoral.
That is one nice setup. Kudos for all your hard work. Now I want one in My bedroom.LOL. Then i can watch the tank and not the wife. Tell Me I didnt just say that. :lol: :lol:
LOL Miniatus you are gonna get in trouble dood if the wife finds out :D !!
Aquariumgirl i really like your pictures, i wish i was able to take pictures like the way you do.
Thanks everyone, I really enjoy taking pictures, almost like is a second hobby!! Well, the cloves are doing fine, but not as well as I would like. Does anyone have any pointers for these guys? They are starting to spread, but there is not as many polyps open as when I first got them. Are the sensitive to lots of nutrience?? I reciently started putting live baby brine just to try it out.
They said I cannot vote on that thread :cry: You are so gonna win anyway. Can I text in a vote like American idol? :D
haha, well krish just knowing that you think my tank is going to win is good enough for me, thanks!

Gab, you're so funny, you are the only person I know that spells dude "dood" :)