aquariumgirl's reefs

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
hey everyone, just wanted to share with you all my 10 gallon and 0.75 gallon reefs. Thanks for any comments or tips and thanks for looking. :)

WoW, let me be the first to welcome you to this site! Its a good one. Are you from S.Dakota by chance? -jk- no one is =( but you can still be in my club if you want!

Anyways, nice tanks i have some too, but i dont have water in mine, not into the whole water craze, i think its just a fad, but im sure you will be seein me around, unless MOJO bans me just so he doesnt have to goto to the circus, oh and dont worry not every on RF is as wierd as me, but look what time it is! Keep up the good work and post some more pics, what type of equipment do you have on your tank?

-Jiddy Bang Bang
Welcome aquariumgirl!

Those are great looking tanks. Could you give some specs on your equipment and water?

Don't mind Jiddy, we all get to enjoy watching him go slowly insane. Are you by any chance drinking the water Jiddy? lol

very nice looking tanks.
welcome to Reef Frontiers, its a great site with great folks here :)
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Tanks look very nice! What kind of maintenance do you perform on them?
Welcome....I love your small tanks. I am considering one for my office so please post more about them if you can. They look great.
Thanks for all the replies :lol:
Jiddy: hehe, I hope this aquarium thing is not just a fad for me ;) My family have always rolled their eyes at me saying things like "she's swimming with the fishes again!" But it's fun!

Everyone: Right now in the 10 gallon, I have a AC 110 with a cpr backpack skimmer, two 20W 50/50 Compact Fluorescents, a moon light and no heater.

There is 18 lbs LR, 20 lbs Live aragonite sand, two clown fish, two red starfish, two sexy shrimp, pistol shrimp, blue legged hermitcrab, some type of crab (filterfeeder), small conch, lots of small snails, chitons, an astraea snail, featherdusters, sun coral, lots of mushrooms (hairy, red, green, watermelon, purple spotted and purple), red macro algae, some green leafy algae, carnation, star polyps, and zoos.

Maintenance: 30 % water change once a week, feed pellets to clowns twice a day, feed sun coral and clowns frozen cyclop-eeze and mysis shrimp every other day.

The pico tank, I have star polyps, yellow polyps, various mushrooms, various zoos, various small snails, pistol shrimp, blue legged hermitcrab, and feather dusters.

Equipment: azoo filter, desk lamp with 10W 50/50 Compact fluorescent.

Maintenance: 30 % water changes with 10 gallon water twice a week, feed yellow polyp, once a week with cyclop-eeze.

I think that's it, oh and the lights are on for five hours in the morning and five hours in the evening (so I can see them before and after I go to work, hehe)
Very nice tanks, and great shots also. Nicely balanced with the size of items in the tank. I love em!!

Here is an updated picture. The new additions are: frogspawn, blue sponge, green, leafy macroalgae, a few more mushrooms, three large snails, and two blue-legged hermit crabs.

Excellent 10 gal. I just started one myself about a month ago. So far I have xenia, zoos, colt, leather, shrooms, f duster, snails/hermit and a seapent star. I am using a 65 watt 50 50 for lighting. What do you have on yours?? I also noticed the aqua clear cpr combo. Nice idea! How are you feeding the sun polyps?
Thanks Sloppy Joe, right now I have 40W 50/50. I target feed the sun about 3 times a week with cyclop-eezee and mysis shrimp. I also, put a few formula one, small pellets in my filter for a source of constant supply for those polyps (and other corals) that get missed.
I like that blue sponge, can you get a close up! You have a sweet tank, whereabout in Canada you from?

How long you been in the hobby now?

Doesnt swim with fishes,
nice nano

Very nice nano, and pico, I must say. How long have they been setup? Word to the wise... never add macro algae to the main tank... you will always regret it in the end.
Jiddy: Thanks, I'll try to get a closer picture tonight, but my camera doesn't have zoom :( .

I'm from Victoria, BC, and I've been in the reef hobby for about 6 months. Actually, I work in an Aquatics store and I'm being trained by a local expert, in to reefing, so I can take over the SW section. Right now I run the FW section. I've always been too scared before, but now I have someone to help guide me further into the world of aquatics, hehe.

solenowski:Thanks, the pico has been set up for about 2 1/2 months, and the nano has been set up since the middle of June.

And about the macro, I was told someone would say not to added it, but I've been assured that it would be fine. But if anything should happen, I'll take it out and put it into the AC filter with light. What exactly would happen if I left it? :confused:
Depending on the Macro, A. it can absolutely takeover the tank; B. if you choose to put any LPS in your tank, say an Elegans, all it takes is a tough stem on the plant and a strong current, you can end up with a cut coral... which in turn can become a dead coral. This is the worst case scenerio, but it can and does happen. If you have any questions about any marine issue, Im always here to lend a hand.
Also, look at reefs in nature. Reefs in nature do not contain macro algae, because there are so many herbivores to consume any possible remnants of the macro algae. We add macro algae to refugiums to aid in nutrient export, not the main tank, because of possible takeover.
solenowski: :shock: wow, I didn't know macro algae can cause so much damage. I know lots of hobbiest that have it and they haven't had any problems. I guess I'll have to find a home for my macros :( Well, here are some pictures of the macros, I'll enjoy them for tonight :)


Hey Jid, here's that picture you asked for :D , enjoy!