arctipods reef nutrition

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Hi Jan,

They are alive and swimming! It's all good. ArcticPods are perhaps the finest fish food available (fish go crazy for 'em), but the "eyes" never lie!

True dat, many fish (and some LPS corals btw) do go crazy for them. But, like Cyclopeeze, this stuff is pretty rich so try hard not to overuse. A little definitely goes a long way.
Just to clarify, Ocean Pods are a live copepod product that contains three different species of copepods. The largest ones are the Tigriopus californicus, but in addition you get two smaller species which populate your live sand and live rock and become apparent when they bloom.

I am just posting as info, feel free to stop by the sponsor forum at Essential Live Feeds if you have pod questions.

I recently did a podcast at if you want to hear about growing your own pods.

I am also doing the talk at the next PSAS meeting.


Adelaide, I just made an Order, my mandarin looks like it is in need of pods, or more of what I may already have, my tank is only about 6 months old so I want to make sure & get an establishment. I have no other competitors for the pods at this time & will try not to have any, hoping to be successful mandarin keeper! Also my tank is a 125 & loaded with nice rocks as in my showcase thread!
I have recently found out I have a tiny (size of a dime, bright green) mantis shrimp. She seems to be making a huge hit on my pod situation.
I didn't know you could buy live pods.

I have a QT tank can I let them loose in there? The pods I mean.
Hi there - A good observation for those of you out there with mantis shrimp or emerald crabs. Large carnivorous crustaceans will feast on small zooplankton when given the chance. I also have a hunch that those bristle worms get their bright orange color by consuming the nauplii, or copepod babies, which tend to hang around in the live sand.

A couple solutions are to remove your crustacean carnivore or to set up a separate culturing place for your copepods so their entire population does not succumb to being eaten by them. This is especially important if you have a fish that depends on having copepods - namely mandarins, scooter blennies, certain seahorses, and many other beautiful species with small mouths that are collected from the wild.

