Are my new lights too bright?

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so how long did you run the 2 fixtures over your tank after the change to "burn" the corals??
and how long after you did the the tank change did you do the light upgrade??

but if you have just one fixture now doing 4hrs of blue and 1 hr of white, just spend the next 2 weeks ramping up to an 8-10 hr light cycle.
How should I go about adding the other fixture? One won't over after I lower them.
I can't add anything about lighting but...It sounds to me like your toadstool is killing everything! I don't know how much toadstools and devil fingers have in common but they look pretty similiar. I had a similar situation happen to me when I switched to better lighting. I was so distracted about the lights it took me about 2 weeks to figure out that my devils finger was rotting. Really though even after 2 weeks the DF wasn't 'mushy' or anything...just waxy. I think I only saw him slough off his outer layer once in that 2 week period. I removed him, and ran a ton of carbon. Within 1 day I noticed a change and a week later it was like nothing ever happened. I don't know that that's what's going on here but you keep pointing at the toadstool, and your having problems with the mushrooms in your fuge so it has to be a water issue! ...and since your params are in line...They wouldn't be out of line due to a toxin. Also, all my fish, snails, crabs, and CLAMS were fine through the entire 2 weeks! Hope this helps.
Honestly I don't know man...I just got rid of mine. If I had it to do over again I would get a 5 gallon bucket with a heater and airstone and isolate it from the tank just to make sure that was the problem. In my case I kinda just got lucky by throwing it out since it was already dead. I would've felt terrible if I had thrown it out and it wasn't even the problem!haha I don't know much about leather corals, that devils finger is the only one I ever had and we see what happened there! Maybe someone else can chime in. Logic following though, if it is the tstool it is doing it because it is cutting into it would stress it out even more.
right now!
i dont think i 'd go choppin your corals just yet...
i think the best you can do is to just test all parameters,
make sure everything tests in an acceptable range,
continue to run carbon, and maybe skim a little wet,
and just let things recooperate if they can.

and your already addressing the lighting as well,
so you should be good there.
as far as adding the 2nd led unit, i would start using it about 2 weeks after you got the fist one on there,
and follow the same directions of taking a couple weeks to ramp up the intensity/move it closer.
you could also pick up some of that greenhouse light shade material to put over the tank, that might be a good option as well.

i would also think about picking up some brightwell aquatic's restor, and amino acids if you dont already dose that..
just finished a test everything is perfect except, 5ppm nitrates and 510ppm calcium, 8dKH

my purple tree(something) and my green nepthia are dead, sadly had to toss them out. Looks like a couple of frags from the T.stool are looking bad may have to cut them out.

How much carbon should I run? I have a 350 magnum canister with nothing but carbon, a little more than a jar, maybe a quart and a half.

Should I remove the T.stool, it still has color under the blue lights. Maybe into a hospital tank?
Dude!!!! Take the tstool out!!! After seeing that pic...It's done! I wish I woulda got back to you sooner! Seriously man I dont care what your params are, they aren't gonna account for toxins! Ca, Mg, Kh...none of that will tell you that your tstool is releasing toxins that is killing everything! After seeing that me...TAKE IT OUT! Run as much carbon as you can and do at least a 25% water change! Im guessing you have an affinity for the tstool but...cut off the hand to heal the heart! The yellow on it (From the 'hole' and at the bottom lobes) that is necrotic tissue that is being consumed by bacteria!'s dead...and it's gonna kill everything regardless of what you do! Skimming will get ride of the bacterial waste but not the toxins (in fairness it will get ride of a TINY bit of toxins) but skimming mainly removes protiens...protiens aren't killling your tank! I'm telling you man...straight up take it out!
Today is looking worse. I willing be pulling him here soon. Not sure if I should try to salvage it in a hospital tank?
Here is a thought, I had a porites(spelling?), it died along with the x-mas tree worms in the rock. Could the porites be my problem, it was removed yesterday when I decided it was gone, no color left.

The hole in the center of the T.stool looks like a solid peice of brown nasty. I am moving it to a hospital tank, should I cut off the dead spotts?