are two brittle stars compatible

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Mar 25, 2006
Saint Cloud, Fl
I have a 45 gallon tank. I bought a small brittle star ( who Most of the time is hiding under a rock. I saw a hugh brittle star the other day at the local pet store and wanted know if it is ok for me to have two of them in the same tank or do I need to remove the smaller one.
Are either of them the Green Brittle star? If so, purchase with caution. They can eat your snail population and will try to catch fish if not kept fed. I've witnessed a green brittle star grabbing snails off the glass during "lights out".

Reefkeepers may wish to avoid the large green brittlestar Ophiarachna incrassata because of its notorious ability to hunt for other tank inhabitants. This is not something that is certain to happen, but it is possible. Some people report them consuming a wide variety of species, from snails to shrimp and fish, regardless of spot feeding.

From: Ophiuroids in the Home Aquarium
My friend keeps 2 or 3 brittle stars in his tank with no problem. I'm not sure on the species though...