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lol!!! i was about to fall asleep with that game :p...hopefully they'll pick up and play like they're suppose to.
Now the colts vs. ny game was good game :D i just wish ny would have won, i felt bad for the young mannyn .

Couldn't have said it better myself! I was at a picnic during the game (thank goodness for DV-R), but made sure my food was carried in my Bears pyrex portables :D. What a game!

I watched the Colts game, too. Whew! Somehow we squeeked that one out!
thank goodness for DV-R
That is the truth. Best thing ever for football games.

Gaby: Melissa went with me to Lowes the other day to get some PVC parts. (put in a new swimming pool pump). As we are in line to pay at the registers they had the glow sticks that you snap and shake for $1.89. She looks at me and says. "That is high....How much did you pay for them at the dollar store." I just looked at her and said here is your sign.:badgrin:
Gaby: Melissa went with me to Lowes the other day to get some PVC parts. (put in a new swimming pool pump). As we are in line to pay at the registers they had the glow sticks that you snap and shake for $1.89. She looks at me and says. "That is high....How much did you pay for them at the dollar store." I just looked at her and said here is your sign.

LMBO!!! :lol: that's nothing someday i'll tell you about me and a dog place call bath and bisquits :D .