ARGH need help=)

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Jul 26, 2005
so... its getting towards the end of hte school year.. and u konw what that means for seniors... prom .. alskdgh;alshdg;lakhsdhglkasg d anwaysy i was wondering if you ... older... people have any good ideas to ask my date to prom=) haha any ideas would be very much appreciated.. ahha also feel free to share some prom memories too! haha.. boy will this thread send u guys daydreaming into the past=P but before i lose u ugys! remember the purpose of this thread! too help me find a good idea to ask my date to prom!
LOL...Just ask and if that fails, hit um over their head with a bat and drag them to the prom:p I didn't have to worry about getting a prom date in high school because we had some idiots in my class that were so bad, that the school had to cancel our prom!(LOL) Aw well, I went to my wife's prom...Didn't have to ask her because it was a given;) I wish you well, and make sure you are good at the prom...If not, be good at it:p
Just ask the one you like, odds are she will like you too. If not dont worry, for some reason there are more women then men in the world. And on top of that alot of men are total buttheads. Most women aint stupid, and know a good thing when they see it.
One thing that works real well, is telling her she is beautiful. Women seem to really like that. LOL
Enjoy yourself, women are not any different than us when it comes to wanting to go on a date. (or there wouldnt be many kids) LOL
I went to prom my Junior year with a good friend of mine, so no real memories to share....otherwise, I was never asked my senior year. Guess the tomboy in me scared the boys away :). Even the uber nerds in my math club had dates :(. At any rate, just getting asked would have been enough for me. I don't have any creative ideas. I'll think about it for a bit and see if I can come up with anything. Does the girl you want to ask have any particular interests? Does she like flowers?
People still give away flowers? I thought those were only for when you do something wrong now. :p

I've never been much of a big bouquet kind of girl, but I thought maybe sending/giving her a flower or two and asking to go to the prom, in the little card that comes with the flowers? I don't know...I'm easy...give me a coral or new shiney piece of tank equipment and I'm happy! :D
LOL... Well I saw the other day as I was driving into town, someone had asked someone to prom using a sign hung from the footbridge over the freeway...

I'm easy...give me a coral or new shiney piece of tank equipment and I'm happy!
LMBO!!! you and i think the same :lol:

ohh boy high school ... high school... did you know i graduated from High school twice !!h .
Well the first time(Mexico)... hmm i hated everyone in my classrom and they all hated me too so i didn't even have to worry about it, i just didn't go:p.
Second time (Canada) well to be honest, i tried asking :p:lol: for some reason if you ask a guy to go with you... they feel like they're the most amazing thing and they would look at you like if you were poop or at least that's what happened to me :lol:.. so i ended up going with my friends hmmm 2 Iranians, 1 Ucranian, and me the mexican :lol: ..... we had fun, I made some other kids dance on the floor, i acted like a goof ball... wait a minute i always do that ... ohh yeah :lol: :D .... it was fun, it lasted until 5 a.m. but then after that, i was at The I.H.O.P working from 9 a.m. til 5 .

I like Nikki's idea, sending a flower to a girl is always the cutest thing ever.
I think just asking is good too besides it's not like she's gonna eat you or something and well if she looks at your later like ...ohh he's dying to date me ... well then at least you're a guy:lol: .

Enjoy yourself, women are not any different than us when it comes to wanting to go on a date. (or there wouldnt be many kids) LOL

i agreed :lol: :
your best shots at asking someone to prom are:

first, when you do it, ask them what you really want. Don't ask anything that aren't the plain real words.

"Would you want to go to the prom with me".

& Use "want" instead of "like" or even "Would you go to prom with me". Because "want" is alot easier to say "yes" to. (example: Do I "want" to just run away from my job and responsibilites? hell yes. Can I? no. If you asked me if I "wanted" to do something like this, I couldn't help but say yes)

and if you're a guy:
Ask with confidence. When you see the ugly guys with hotter than they should be girls it's confidence. It's why married guys can get women easier, they have boat loads of confidence, and thats all girls really want. No one in life really knows how everything in life is going to turn out, but if you're the one that seems to, you'll make that someone else feel "safe". Had I known this when i was in high school i would probably have been a teenage father or contracted some sort of std. I guess i'm lucky i didn't figure that out til after i was married.

and if you're a girl:
go up to him, touch the back part of his upper arm while you're facing him, then slide up your hand a few inches and then hold the back of his upper arm for a second or so. Once he's letting you do it and not trying to pull back, ask him then. If he likes you even a little, he's putty, and you could get him to wash your car with a tiny little toothbrush if you wanted.

call me evil, but this works.
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I spent prom night getting chased around town by my prom date's college boyfriend who was a lot bigger than me...:D Fortunately for me and my body, my car was faster than his...:lol:

So, only point of wisdom I can offer is ask a girl who doesn't have an older, bigger boyfriend already...;)

MikeS said:
I spent prom night getting chased around town by my prom date's college boyfriend who was a lot bigger than me...:D Fortunately for me and my body, my car was faster than his...:lol:

So, only point of wisdom I can offer is ask a girl who doesn't have an older, bigger boyfriend already...;)


Your prom date's college boyfriend needed to get a life if you ask me.:D

Had I known this when i was in high school i would probably have been a teenage father or contracted some sort of std.

LMBO!!!! :lol:

go up to him, touch the back part of his upper arm while you're facing him, then slide up your hand a few inches and then hold the back of his upper arm for a second or so. Once he's letting you do it and not trying to pull back, ask him then. If he likes you even a little, he's putty, and you could get him to wash your car with a tiny little toothbrush if you wanted.

Well then Americans are easier than Canadians :lol: :lol:.

I spent prom night getting chased around town by my prom date's college boyfriend who was a lot bigger than me... Fortunately for me and my body, my car was faster than his...

So, only point of wisdom I can offer is ask a girl who doesn't have an older, bigger boyfriend already...

LOL!!! :lol: ohh Mike, I can imagine you running in your car !!:lol: :lol: good thing you have a very good taste in cars :D.
chrisdaphish said:
remember the purpose of this thread! too help me find a good idea to ask my date to prom!

o.k., here's what you do;

1. get drunker than you will be at the prom,
2. stagger to your girlfriends house at oh, about 3 in the morning,
3. before you pass out in the doghouse in her back yard,
serenade her with a billy joel song, i suggest "bigshot"
4. finish with puking on her parents car FIRST thing in the morning.
5. when you see her at school pretend like nothing happened and say
"so were going to the prom,right???"
6. enjoy.
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Llarian said:
So you're saying you're definitely not a cheap date Nikki?


:lol: Hey! I said I was easy...not cheap! *edit* that didn't sound right...let's try again.... Hey! I said I was easy (to buy gifts for)....not cheap!

Ask her on a website! Ask your future date to go on this thread, then send her a link to it :D
btuck said:
I don't think my wife would let me hang out with you anymore if she saw this thread.

ROFL! She'd probably just take driving lessons from me :p. I said EASY TO BUY GIFTS FOR! Stop picking on me, or else I'll make sure the little one is good and crabby for the June meeting drive :D. You'll be watching Barbie and the Nutcracker the whole way!