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Arrivals 12/9-12/12

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jan 13, 2004
Kirkland, WA
Coming Tuesday-

3-red koko worm
1-tomini tang
2-yellow mimic tang
4-scribbled rabbit
2-coral beauty angel
1-sonnerati grouper
1-brown peacock lion
10-sm cleaner shrimp
6-green mandarin goby
6-dragon face pipe
10-cleaner wrasse
6-melanurus wrasse
4-leopard wrasse
2-two spot blenny

If you have any of these rainchecked come on by wednesday.

We aso have ORA Wed, Cleaner Items Wed, Jakarta Coral Thursday!
ORA- Arrives wednesday

1-canary blenny
2-neon goby
2-1st grd picasso clown
1-neon dottyback
1-orchid dotty
1-indigo dotty
2-splendid dotty
1-portion ulva sea lettuce (great tang food)
1-8oz phycopure
1-16oz phycopure
2-ultra maxima
1-ultra gold maxima
2-derasa clam
1-bird of paradise coral
1-joe the coral
1-red planet
4-mini red planet
1-purple plasma
1-oregon tort
1-aust delicate
1-purple edge monti cap
1-german blue polyp monti digi
I have received 3 PM's in five minutes on the Picasso's. They are grade A and 99.99 each. I cannot hold them. First to pay (non-refundable) is the first to take home.

Thanks for understanding,
thanks tim, for the smooth transaction. thanks chris for holding the red planet for me. she's a beauty.
Cleaner Items- Arrived Tues

30-scarlett hermits
1-purple cactus gorgonian
1-ribbon gorgonian
1-yellow gorgonian
1-red gorgonian
6-sally light foot crab
40-emerald rab
40-peppermint shrimp
600-astraea snail
12-star snail
100-cerith snail
12-lettuce nudi
1-cherub angel
2-royal gramma

One of the nicest coral shipments in a while- Arrived thursday

1-large lather coral
1-colt coral
6-orange plate coral
2-green open brain
1-incredible red eye favia
1-pagoda cup
2-yellow cup
3-echino chalices (2 are sweet!)
8- acroporas (3 assorted blues sp?, 3 pink milleporas, 2 blue milleporas)
1-orange soft coral
1-green galaxy
2-green lobo
1-green/pink symphillia
2-green lobo/symphillia sp???
2-green goniopora
1-green branch hammer
2-green branch frogspawn
1-green torch
1-metallic torch
2-sun coral
5-assorted shades of green scolymia
2-cynarina irredescant green w/ brownsih purple inner ring
2-sand stars
1-blue mushroom w tunicate
6-assorted shades of pink zoanthids
6-yellow polyp
1-green bubble coral
1-redopen brain
2-favites chinesis?? Sweet!!
1-tongue coral
1-rare color morph montastrea
1-cyphastrea crazy color probably ocellina sp.
1-blastomussa wellsi red/green w/ green cyphastrea on side
1-purple plating montipora
2-assorted plating montipora
2- boxes jakarta live rock
Whatcha got for me? Leopards and orchid dottyback?

Hi Steven,

Orchid yes. The last few Leopards are needed to fill rainchecks. I didn't get enough to have any for you:( Sorry. Hopefully, next batch! I do have almost everything off your second batch list though:)
Locally Grown Items Brought In Over The Past Few Days-

Blue Sansibia sp. Polyps
Single Blue Mushrooms
Rose Bubble Anemones
Tri Color Acroporas
Huge Red Bam Bam w/ Green RadioActive Dragon Eye Zoanthid Rock
Thanks for the fish Cy! We are almost there...

The store is still packed with beautiful fish and corals. Wish I had more room or another tank.

PS. Everyone is doing well, let me know when you have anymore ready for pickup.

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