Yes, we need to establish some clear guidelines for Sponsor advertising e.g. where the info should be sent (gmail box?, RF forum), time of advance notice, our time commitment after notice, format of message (I recommend stating it should be ready to be copied and pasted to PSAS forum, Website and e-mail).
Couple of questions:
Is the entire e-vite distribution list copied into our gmail account or does it contain just current members? I think we should create several distribution list e.g. current members, sponsors only, bod members, and then everybody that is currently in the e-vite distribution.
Do we include an opt out statement on our gmail going out? That way if people that are still included on the e-vite distribution but want off they can let us know?
Can someone send me information on how I get into the PSAS gmail account , I know I probably got this info before, but I do not know where it is.