Attention All Anthia Owners

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May 26, 2006
I am going to be getting 7-9 Bartlett Anthias and want to make sure they get enough food. I plan to feed them 3-5x a day but I am not sure what they eat. I heard they are picky (Bartletts are less picky) ... so Anthias owners, what do you feed and how often?

I was thinking of,

-Auto Fed-
Spectrum/Formula 1 + 2 Pellets
Prime Reef/Formula 1 + 2 Flake
Golden Pearls

-Manualy Fed-
Artic Pods from Reef Nutrition
Mysid Shrimp

I am trying to aviod using frozen food becuase I want to administer all food via a digital timer but I will be able to feed frozen food atleast once a day but from my understand Anthias should be fed atleast 3x a day but the more the better. I am also feeding 2 Percula Clowns so the Flake and Pellets also are Clown Food.
Spectra pellets (small) and red sea zoo plankton are all I feed mine. Twice a day should be fine.

Big scoop of Formula 1 flake, aproximately twice a week was all my tank received. Always looked fat and happy. Might not work out so well with tank methods that dont encourage phytoplankton, as phyto(and detritus) is the basis for zooplankton, and from my understanding they are zooplanktonaviors.
My Disbar's just love Cyclop-eeze Made by Argent. I have a lot of small gobie pellets I feed my gobies and the Disbars love them as well They have even taking up hunting with my leopards and when the Leopards feed on Nori the Disbar's will eat floating flakes as well..HTH...Jeff