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Attmepted Break In - Looking For Info

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jan 13, 2004
Kirkland, WA
Hi All,

The last few months of 2010 have been very frustrating. First, Brie had a video game stolen at the BBQ sale. Then Chris had his Ipod stolen at the Anniversary Sale. Now, on Christmas night someone tried to break in and broke our door handle. Last night they tried again and destroyed our deadbolt and damaged our door. They didn't get in but dang....really??:mad: We suspect the latest break in attempts must be a hobbyist looking for something in particular because none of the other businesses reported problems. If anyone hears anything we would appreciate anonymous tips.

We do have ADT security monitoring and now have the DVR operating properly on our security cameras.
Some people are just stupid. I hope they are caught. Hope this doesn't discourage your crew or customers. Although I am glad that they didn't get in and your business lose money from stolen product. See you in a couple hours.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Always disappointing when you open your doors and entertain guests to be ripped off.

I've only been to your place once and actually had a hard time finding your entrance as it's fairly well hidden in the back. Is it possible that you might be the only business being hit because your entrance is dark and secluded? Is there anything else you can do such as out-door lighting and possibly removal of some bushes/landscaping changes? Just a thought.
I love when I here the storys about an intruder being shot by a little old lady!
Gives them something to think about before they break in.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Always disappointing when you open your doors and entertain guests to be ripped off.

I've only been to your place once and actually had a hard time finding your entrance as it's fairly well hidden in the back. Is it possible that you might be the only business being hit because your entrance is dark and secluded? Is there anything else you can do such as out-door lighting and possibly removal of some bushes/landscaping changes? Just a thought.

We were broken into 2 years ago, before we installed a deadbolt. All the businesses have back doors along the same wall we are on. During that event everybody was hit in some fashion. This time its just us. We are looking into brighter lighting, motion detectors, and exterior security cameras.
Sorry to hear Cy...Hope everything works out. Just a personal thought, but I'm thinking the person doing these things will probably be someone you end up knowing. The fact that Brie had something stolen and Chris means that you guys have probably come in contact with them on a few occasions as I find it odd that these things both just coincidentally happened which sucks even more because then you start to wonder who you can trust. The attempted break in at the shop may be a different story, but you still never know. Good luck guys!
Sorry to hear Cy...Hope everything works out. Just a personal thought, but I'm thinking the person doing these things will probably be someone you end up knowing. The fact that Brie had something stolen and Chris means that you guys have probably come in contact with them on a few occasions as I find it odd that these things both just coincidentally happened which sucks even more because then you start to wonder who you can trust. The attempted break in at the shop may be a different story, but you still never know. Good luck guys!

I hear you and agree. Its just that both events were sales and we probably had 200 people come through the shop. Makes it really tough to narrow it down;) I hate feeling suspicious and wondering who is doing these things when 99% of our customers are great people.
I hate that soo many people can be disrespectful and destructive, but at least they didn't make off with a ton of stuff. Good luck finding some more info!
I hear you and agree. Its just that both events were sales and we probably had 200 people come through the shop. Makes it really tough to narrow it down;) I hate feeling suspicious and wondering who is doing these things when 99% of our customers are great people.

Definately...Well hopefully you find out who it is and it ends up being someone you don't know. :)
Events attract crowds and they attract those looking for distractions to hide their crimes.
As to the attempted break-ins, have to agree with Krish. It's probably a very unskilled criminally minded person you used to "know."

My father had said, "If something is worth stealing, it's worth working for and earning something is the only way to lasting satisfaction."

Hope the moron either quits or gets caught red-handed. Bet that same idiot is reading this thread and I hope he feels guilty and scared...
glad this a-hole didn't get in your business. really, this hobby is a complete luxury/indulgence, there is no excuse for this person's actions.
Make sure that your security video or pictures arent stored on site but forwarded off site or are duplicated off site. So many people do the security thing and then store the video on the local recorder and the thief just takes the recorder.
We'll help id the guy and maybe he'll be blacklisted by the community. I know I won't do any business with him

As much as that seems like the right thing to do, that is kind of against RF ways to publicly smear somebodys name, no matter what they did. I would love for the guy/girl to get caught, but we should keep names private if you have information to share.
They tried breaking-in twice within a span of a few days!? They must not be very bright. Not to mention they used rather crude methods: breaking the door handle, breaking the deadbolt and damaging the door. You'd think they would avoid another attempt since the previous tries get people suspicious and beef up security. But if they're dumb enough to try more than once, they're probably dumb enough to try again soon.
As much as that seems like the right thing to do, that is kind of against RF ways to publicly smear somebodys name, no matter what they did. I would love for the guy/girl to get caught, but we should keep names private if you have information to share.

Its public record anyways, smear away.:badgrin: JK. It sucks Ive had my shop burglarized a few times and recently my home. Its a sick feeling to show up and find that youve been violated.
The bad part is there isnt much you can do besides beef up security spend more dollars and raise prices to cover the cost. We all pay for crime in on way or another. May be time for bars on the door. When they broke into my house they trashed the place. I couldnt imagine walking in and finding all your tanks broken.
