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Attmepted Break In - Looking For Info

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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that suxz!!!!
i know they make tiny little cameras you could hide in trees or on the roof away from the door that no one would ever see.
triggered by movement. and also, off site security recording via the internet, so there is no dvr to steal.
it seems like even north renton can be a seedy place sometimes, so prob worth every penny for 24/7 surveilance via camera.
and while reef stores are somewhat competative, i bet you'd have no prob having someone blacklisted from other reef shops if it turns out to be a reefer...
Wow I'm sorry to hear this, luckily nobody actually got in. Who would actually risk going to jail over corals and fish? Hope this never happens again to you guys and hope this person's crimes start to catch up with them.
That really sucks, Chris was saying his iPod was stolen at the last sale too and that was very disappointing to hear since I'm fairly certain its all hobbyists (and probably all on this site) that go to them.

I really hope you catch who ever it is.

You also might check www.monoprice.com, they seem to have some relatively inexpensive cameras/DVR stuff, I don't know much about these systems and if it will work with your current system or not but more cameras could help deter or catch whoever is responsible.

that is really horrible. I remember a long time ago reading you were thinking about doing a glass door and I thought that would look really cool, but now that steel door seems much more appealing.

edit: I just imagined chris hiding in the back with a taser and jumping out and ZAAAPPPP! haha
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Sorry for my ignorance everyone. According to the dictionary "Wetback" is in fact a racist slur. I always thought is was a term used for people just learning something and had no clue about what they were doing.
Please forgive my ignorance. I am in no way a racists LOL :)
Well,my view of politicians maybe but....
Hi All,

The last few months of 2010 have been very frustrating. First, Brie had a video game stolen at the BBQ sale. Then Chris had his Ipod stolen at the Anniversary Sale. Now, on Christmas night someone tried to break in and broke our door handle. Last night they tried again and destroyed our deadbolt and damaged our door. They didn't get in but dang....really??:mad: We suspect the latest break in attempts must be a hobbyist looking for something in particular because none of the other businesses reported problems. If anyone hears anything we would appreciate anonymous tips.

We do have ADT security monitoring and now have the DVR operating properly on our security cameras.

You guys can always get a big dog

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
Whoa Frankie.........glad that you caught that. =/ I am glad I didn't read it or else I would have flipped out!

I'm sorry that you guys are going through this.....why don't you get a Doberman Pinscher? They are great dogs! Anyone that comes to my door and sees mine is scared to death. That would take care of your problem for sure!
Sorry to hear about this. I hope that someone turns the culprit in and you get some sort of closure to this soon. Even the attempted B&E are costly to businesses.

Also I wouldn't suggest the gun trick. I've had to hold someone at gunpoint (attemted armed robbery at conveince store I worked at years ago) and know that if I shot it would be a kill shot. No playing around with guns, unless you mean business. I was taught not to shot and injure. :D
Sounds like kids, or idiots, first breaking the doorknob, then even thinking of coming back a few nights later!!!! they'll be caught some day somewhere!! Karma will get em