ATTN: Mr. Calfo

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Future Sen
Jun 23, 2007
Bellingham, WA
Hello sir. This isn't really the best forum for this discussion, but I saw you posted in here regularly and figured it'd be the easiest way to get your attention. I just picked up your reef invertebrates book, which I'm very much enjoying so far. In the very start of it, you make mention that you planned on releasing a reef fish and a reef coral addendum to the book collection. Did you ever start working on those? I'd really like seeing them hit the market and am curious to their progress, finality, or the lack in and thereof. You're a tremendous asset to the hobby and I'd personally like to extend a thank you for taking your time for even us little ones.
Thank you for your very kind words my friend! Yes... I did (and still do) have plans to release those books. The problem is hobby publishing is very lean... there is very little money to be made. Most of us do it for the love of the hobby truly. My Reef Fishes volume 1 of 2 is written and has been sitting for years... just not enough money to publish it yet (it takes $60-100,000 to make a small hardcover run... then we wait up to 3 years to get that money back plus a few thousand profit if we are lucky (writers).

It is presently all I can afford to do currently to keep my reef posters, and first two books in print. My new reef mag will hopefully be profitable one day... but I am subsidizing that too at present. All of my current titles and new releases are and will be announced at

I trulyappreciate your support and kind words again,

Excellent to hear. Unfortunately, I understand that side of the trade as well. I've messed around in writing some, and it isn't an easy life (Go writers guild!). If you're ever considering looking for an outside opinion on writing, I've done years of editing and have worked on a couple newspapers throughout school, plus have some experience in technical writing. I hope those books are able to be turned out at some point and you'll have another great gift to be giving the hobby.
thank you for you kind words... and your offer my friend. I feel awkward about accepting help. I cannot afford to pay for good help and yet I am uncomfortable accepting free or discounted help. So... I just slug it out by my lonesome in most cases :p Truly a labor of love... emphasis on labor most of the time :D
Well, I'm a college student and free help often turns to resume material and experience. Just because money is involved doesn't meant there isn't some sort of benefit. Either way, I understand your position. I can tell you that I do know a lot of people involved in publishing very well and I can ask around if you are motivated into getting your work out there. If you ever want to chat seriously, do email.
very mch obliged, Mathew. Ley me get through the holidays and the tail end of the latest poster and next mag issue. I'll be able to take a good breath and survey the landscape in January for future projects.

mille grazie!
Completely understandable. I'm just winding down from election season, and already gearing up for the next cycle. Always have something on the plate, you know? But I'd definitely like to volunteer any and all help you could use, as I love experience and resume building. I don't think elections will get too hectic until at least the spring, if not longer, so that will make things easy (I manage campaigns and hope to do that with a career post-graduation).
speaking of pubs...I would like to purchase a copy of the new hardcover coral prop. Q: Is there a def date when this will be out yet? Or where can I go to order an older version? Thank you.
old version is long since sold out and sells for ridiculous money on Amazon (used) :p

The short story on the new version was that July soft cover got upgraded last minute to hardcover which pushed the ETA back another 12 weeks... the printer missed the Oct 29 delivery estimate because of bindery delays. We still expect to ship it in time for Christmas. I am hoping to have confirmation on delivery before the end of this week. I will post it on my website when so.

kindly, Anth-
Excellent to hear!!

I purchased the new copy in October and I can hardly wait to have hands on!
What a Christmas present!!!
Thank You Anthony!!!!!!:)