I have no fish.
Ok members, we are going to have a get together at Dang's new restaurant... I believe it's called Irene Family Restaurant named after Dang's great niece. Did I get that right? :razz: Nieces are very cool, I have a couple special ones myself.
We are going to open the meeting up to members having a frag swap. We will NOT have tanks available, and we'd like to see all swaps being arranged before hand. The best idea is to post pictures of what you want to swap, and then make the arrangements.
I'm thinking of an afternoon get together, about 2pm. How does that sound with everyone?
I'll get the evite out shortly as we are figuring out how to arrange the food, individual or family style. Dang has given us an option to go family style then they cook all morning and put on quite a spread but we have a minimum number for that.
Mark your calendars for August 23rd!!!
We are going to open the meeting up to members having a frag swap. We will NOT have tanks available, and we'd like to see all swaps being arranged before hand. The best idea is to post pictures of what you want to swap, and then make the arrangements.
I'm thinking of an afternoon get together, about 2pm. How does that sound with everyone?
I'll get the evite out shortly as we are figuring out how to arrange the food, individual or family style. Dang has given us an option to go family style then they cook all morning and put on quite a spread but we have a minimum number for that.
Mark your calendars for August 23rd!!!