August Meeting - BBQ/Potluck 8/14 @ 3 PM

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Lions stalk orcas!
RF Premium Member
Feb 19, 2009
Spokane, Washington, United States
Our meeting next month (August) will be a BBQ & Potluck - bring a chair, a dish, and some $$ for frags and raffle tickets! Clear your calendar now, and reschedule your camping trips!

Michael (returnofsid) will be hosting at his home in Spokane.

Everyone is invited, even kids.

We will start around 3 PM and just work on into the evening.

Michael will be donating a frag pack to raffle off, and we may have a few other raffle items as well. We will also have a stock tank setup so if you have any frags you would like to bring to swap or sell, feel free to bring them along!

Now - If you are attending, please post on our forum here or PM me and tell me what you are bringing, that way we don't end up with 18 potato salads

Choices and ideas of things to bring:
Drinks - pop, juice, etc.
Chips - the crunchy kind
Salads - green, potato, macaroni, fruit
Condiments for hamburgers/hotdogs - ketchup, mustard, pickles, mayo
Snacks & finger food - veggie trays, cheese sticks, olives
Utensils - paper plates, cups, forks, spoons

Or anything else you think of!

Hope to see you in August! We will send our directions and more details when we are closer to the event.
This is going to be A LOT of fun!!! We'll have a pool set up for the kiddies and a "pool" set up for frags!! It'll actually be a stock tank.

We have 10 lawn chairs.

Menu will include burgers, hotdogs and german sausages. I think we'll have basic condiments covered.

I've heard from someone, who will be bringing Xenia and Kenya Tree frags.

Let's not forget new members, who may be just starting out in the hobby and not have any corals to trade, nor a lot of money to spend. We all remember how that is!!

We will be donating 1 frag of Bob Moore's Blue Stag, for a club raffle. This will be separate from the "frag pack" raffle that we'll also put together.

For those of you who never met Bob Moore, myself included, he had an extensive history in helping get our hobby really going in the Pacific Northwest. He mentored the idea of "Pay it Forward." I'll go into more detail, of Bob Moore, the legend, and this particular coral, at the meeting.
Time to start posting what people have for sale/trade?

I will have quite a few LPS for sale/trade and a few things to donate to the raffle or to a newbie. (several different acan echinatas, a few different favias, 2 kinds of chalices, maybe some zoas/palys........possibly a colony of ?balanos/dendros? and a large fungia plate if interested)

I will make one of my own creations to bring for food. (maybe sweet and spicy chicken kabobs or jalepeno potato salad)
1 x $50 Gift Card to TheFragFarmer -
2 x $25 Gift Cards to TheFragFarmer -

(these are really going to come in handy when we do our group buy)

As well as at least one WYSIWG misc frag pack donated by Michael & Angie!

PPS - All raffle tickets will be $1 each (paid members will be buy 2, get 3, so 15 for $10).

Anyone who buys a membership will get 10 free raffle tickets to put into the raffle of their choice. Memberships are $25 for individuals, $30 for families, and $10 for renewals.

Once you buy your raffle tickets you can put them into the raffle prize of your choice. Looks like we should have at least 5 good things to put in for!
Where are all of our west side meetings at. It just always seems to be the easternlies are BBQ'in it up. I want to have a meeting - (stomping my feet in a tantramatic fit) :)
If anyone has mushrooms other than purple and green I'd be EXTREMELY interested :D I'll be bringing a few Kenya and Xenia frags. Perhaps some mushrooms if I can dislodge a few safely. I may have a California Grape coral (looks kinda like montipora) if I can extricate that as well.
I would be interested in seeing what that California grape is and would probably want a piece. I might be able to get a couple red shrooms or an orange rhodactis for you. I forget if I have any other shrooms laying around. Got lots of lps though.

If anyone has mushrooms other than purple and green I'd be EXTREMELY interested :D I'll be bringing a few Kenya and Xenia frags. Perhaps some mushrooms if I can dislodge a few safely. I may have a California Grape coral (looks kinda like montipora) if I can extricate that as well.
Anybody need stomotella snails or mini brittles? I can give a few of each away for free. If anybody wants lots, I would ask a frag for trade just because it would take a lot of time and effort to get them all out of the tank.
Time to start nailing down some details. So far, we haven't had much feedback about this meeting. Let's start listing what corals we plan to bring, what corals we may be interested in, etc.

I suppose it could be that a lot of people will be out of town, enjoying the summer weekend. Guess that'll just mean better odds, for those that do attend, with the great raffles we'll have going on!!
Time to start nailing down some details. So far, we haven't had much feedback about this meeting. Let's start listing what corals we plan to bring, what corals we may be interested in, etc.

I suppose it could be that a lot of people will be out of town, enjoying the summer weekend. Guess that'll just mean better odds, for those that do attend, with the great raffles we'll have going on!!

I could probably bring macaroni salad and soda, beers, etc ;) and of course my empty styrofoam box that will be lookig to get filled:D
I will bring a creative dish of some sort (kabobs maybe?), how many people do you expect? I will have several good size LPS frags (acan echinatas, chalices, favia, bright green goniastrea.....maybe more if interest is shown), a few zoanthids/palys, and stomotella snails and mini brittle stars. Will also have at least one lps frag and maybe some zoas to add to the raffle or give to a new reefer. All my corals are available for purchase for very reasonable prices, or I'm always open to trades:)

I will frag some zoas within the next week, so that they are healed, and so we know what I have.
What is available from your tank Michael? I think you said you have a purple monti digi I could get a frag of? I will try to frag my magicians for a trade with you.
Frag Pack details are still a bit up in the air, but here's a few that we're sure of. The frag pack will consist of 5 corals. This list is a list of "possibilities," since some people's lighting won't sustain some of these corals. The winner of the raffle will get to chose 5 among the list. The list isn't complete yet.

ORA Blue Millepora, still on ORA Plug
Frag of a nice Purple Tipped Maricultured Acropora coral
Superman Chalice frag (Echinophyllia)
Frag of Blue Acan, with red stripes
Small frag of Montipora setosa
Frag of Scoll Coral (Turbinaria reinformis)
ORA Nathan's Green Millepora frag
Seafoam Green Ricordea
Rings of Fire Zoanthids
Pink Ricordea with Purple rim

There will be more to come.....
Have I seen the blue acan with red stripes? Sounds like something I would want! Gonna get in on the raffle!
Frag Pack details are still a bit up in the air, but here's a few that we're sure of. The frag pack will consist of 5 corals. This list is a list of "possibilities," since some people's lighting won't sustain some of these corals. The winner of the raffle will get to chose 5 among the list. The list isn't complete yet.

ORA Blue Millepora, still on ORA Plug
Frag of a nice Purple Tipped Maricultured Acropora coral
Superman Chalice frag (Echinophyllia)
Frag of Blue Acan, with red stripes
Small frag of Montipora setosa
Frag of Scoll Coral (Turbinaria reinformis)
ORA Nathan's Green Millepora frag
Seafoam Green Ricordea
Rings of Fire Zoanthids
Pink Ricordea with Purple rim

There will be more to come.....