Auto shutoff on RO - How to do it?

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I have a different approach to top off that works great.

I have an under sink RO system with a 5 gallon accumulator tank for drinking water. I tapped into the tap line and ran 1/4" polly flow tubing to to a 24v dc, NC solenoid valve that is controlled with a float located in my sump near the pump section. The polly flow then is routed through a DIY Kalkwasser Reactor so the reactor see's very little pressure. The level in the sump only changes ~ 1/4" from topped off to the next call for water. My conditions are rock solid.

I may have the contact info for the hardware if you / anyone is interested.

Stay Wet!

I am set up with Auto shut off using SpectraPure components. You of course are also welcome to see my set up too if and when you are in the Redmond area. Kirk, you are welcome too. I have been so busy I haven't been able to make the trip to see yours!

what about too high pressure? I'm at about 60 last time I checked.

thanks kirk - I may take you up on that if I cna't figure this out.

I have SpectraPure components as well and the last time I checked by pressure I was around 60psi.

Need to swing by and take a look.
I'm pretty sure it's a faulty shut off valve. I've tried to re arrange it now frontward, backwards, sideways and all other ways just to be sure and it almost works the way it is supposed to be hooked up by killing the waste water, but then it's like something gives in the shut off valve membrane and it surges again. I'll see if I can get a new one and give it another try...
correction,water pressure is 40 vs 60.when it surgesI can actually hear a sound like air escaping so I'll try what youv'esuggested Donand report back if that doesn't do the trick.

40 psi may not be enough pressure to hold the valve shut. The spec on most is 60psi, so I dont know how close it has to be to function.

Mine surges for a little while also and makes a vibration/rattling noise. it still shuts the water production down with the float valve after some time. But I ended up putting a ball valve in front of the float. This way I have a manual way of shutting it off without the noise, but have the float in there as a back up in case I'm not home or forget. My thought on the idea of the ball valve is I didn't want my filter to work every time I took out a small pitcher of top water. I thought it just seemed harder on the system to start/shut/start/shut all the time. So I typically use a couple gallons out of the storage container and when gets lower than what I like to have on hand. Turn the ball valve on, let it fill up and turn the ball valve off, (Basically I wait until i hear the noise coming from under my util sink with the RO unit is placed.) That's my little reminder. :)
To add. I think mine surges due to the float valve not creating a strong enough seal. Once the level in the storage container rises a little more it creates enough pressure on the float valve to get a strong enough seal to resist the pressure coming from the RO unit.

Do if you have a leak or anything else prior to the float valve. It's not going to work properly or like others have stated a bad Auto Off valve