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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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well stop crapping on my porch! you'd think they could at least put UUUNNGGGGGGGGGGGHhhhh as a user title, sloppy habits are hard to break lol
Nope...Not me (although I'd like to take credit)!! It was probably the person that mentioned it to you first saying nice avitar :lol:
Ha ha! I had forgotten about that. Who needs PhotoShop when you have MS paint.
I want to see a copy of the admin log, Mojo wouldn't stoop to such lowbrow stunts he got intigridy or was that incontinence?
Scary thing is, that's my head! That's an old avatar that was created, a long time ago, by Brett (BCT).

Nope wasnt your head, personally I cant even see your head Sasquatch, and to be honest I dont think I really want to????

