[B]What Kind of person are you?[/B]

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Brendens wife
May 17, 2006
What kind of person are you?
I will start....:p
I care a ton about the people I love.;) I am shy in a crowd but individually I can hold my own.:) I can be very cranky:evil: if I have not eaten… LOL Brian be careful what you say;) ……… I am a very into my family and friends.

The beach:cool:
My pool……………My kids swimming in it.:D
Ok your turn…:D
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my name is shannon i love the ocean, i need people to like me, actualy i insist they like me, i am very easy going but have a short fuse. i am pretty self centered. iam a recreational body builder and my son and girlfriend are my world.iam messy but hate messes. love to eat,but fat people anoy me
Oh boy...This may cause some problems :rolleyes:

I have been told that I have too big of a heart. I care about everyone and always think of myself last (which is good but can be bad as well because I set up myself to be hurt alot). I find personal satisfaction and happiness when I know I've made someone else happy or if I've touched their life in some positive way. I love to laugh as well as share my humor, I find it a must to make ammends with anyone if I feel there is a problem between myself and them. I could care less who is in the wrong because to me that doesn't matter. I never need to personally know that "I was right, you were wrong". That means nothing to me. I have OCD (Obssessive compulsive disorder) and laugh at some of my issues and other times, it gets a bit frustrating and depressing. I also have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which partly stems from my OCD. I'm not ashamed to admit when I am wrong, I get all along with almost anyone at any age, love to do stuff for others, but hate others to do things for me :oops: I'm a perfectionist to an extent, I love kids and animals in a very special way, never cursed, never cheated on my wife or a girfriend, don't drink, smoke, use drugs (LOL) I read a morning devotional daily and go to bed to one as well, and I'm a very easy going person who tries to always live up to my word. I guess that's enough for now:p
I 'm a hot headed asshole 75 % of the time and we all know it.

OCD (Obssessive compulsive disorder)

Me also, I just bought some new books that I don't really need
I'm a nice guy with a quick fuse. I will go out of my way for a stranger and across the globe for a true friend. Cross me the wrong way though and i'll rip your head off. I have no problem forgiving people that have screwed up though. I enjoy a drink on the weekends and spending time with my fiance and friends.

Interesting post!

I'm not your typical guy. Let me explain further. I am a blunt, in your face, take no sh*t kinda guy..(that's the typical part of me:D ) I have a big heart and I take care of people that take care of me. I have all the patiences in the world when I'm in a professional atmosphere, but none at all when I'm not at work. I love to insight debates. My appearance and my personal choices in life invite this. I am heavily tattooed, Most people either stare at me with curiosity, or loathing. I love my 3 dogs, all pit bulls, and I spend countless hours educating the public on their REAL temperment. A lot of people count me out because of my choices, they peg me as an uneducated, thuggish type of guy. I am far from it. I am a husband and father, I am successful in the business world, and I love having that alter ego. If you sit down and have a conversation with me, you'd find me to be insightful, sharp, and charming ( at least I think so! LOL) But my outward appearance screams the opposite..why, because we all judge a book by it's cover. I have taken that prejudgement as a personal challenge. I love nothing more than to prove people wrong. Not to revel in it, but to educate people and make them realize that opinions are just that, opinions. Not facts.

Oh, and for the record.
my dogs all get along with each other, of course they are safe around my famliy. I wouldn't ever put myself or my family in a situation where we are not safe. I have spent my entire life around canines of many breeds. I love all animals, but I have a kinship with the American Pit Bull Terrier. We're viewed in the same light. Persecution as a whole because of the acts of a few bad souls, who just happen to look like us.