So this afternoon after all of the lights go out in my display. My sump lights illuminate the world below. I have found many things through my nightly look in my sump. I have witnessed hermit crabs indecisevly swapping homes for a new and sometimes improved home. I have found what I believe are new organisms that have come to life through natural selection in my own little eco system. Tonight though is the top of the list. While I was anxiously waiting for the daylight to hit the lost world of my sump I noticed little things moving at the waters surface. I thought maybe it was my damsels in my display tank again. Every now and then they release a batch of frye into the water column and they make their way to the sump. Well this time as the lights came on it was not the ordinary tadpole looking damsel frye. They had tails like lobsters and shrimp like claws. So I sat there in amazement and counted. Of course I could not count all of them but I believe there to be well over 50 of them. My question is how can I make sure they survive. The blue damsel frye that I so often see come and go never make it through the night. How can I give these guys a better chance of survival. Any information out there would be great.