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Aug 16, 2010
Hey guys I am looking for some help setting up a 150g. Just placed the order yesterday and should have most everything to get it plumbed and wired. If you are in the area of buckley wa. I would be interested in talking to you. Had a 65 over in eastern WA but never was able to do it right.

The system will be a 150g with a 40g sump/refugium apex gold controller ocopus skimmer reef breeder led light.

If you could give me a some input and a hand it would be great having someone here thats done this before.
Hi royal pain. I dont have a tank running right now to show u 1st hand but am sure i can answer any questions u might have?!
Do u have a refractometer or glass floating hydrometer? Need 1 of those to test the level of salt. Both in ur aquarium and mixing for sw water change.

Looks like your getting some nice equipment and not junk that you will buy over and over. lol good thinking.
I recommend finnex heaters with seperate controllers. They are spot on.
I also use a floating thermometer just to double check and make sure im on. lol

Local stores to visit would include. sumner tropical fish world, barrier reef aquariums, and oceans by designs. Theyre's some other ones too.
look forward to seeing pix
I still have a 65g and sump set up in eastern WA but im not there but once a week or so corals are all gone just 2 fish and a couple of star fish
Just have not had a place for them. Going over tomorrow and getting the system. I just dont know how its going to work out. I have never move an aquarium before
Make sure to have a 5g bucket with a lid for your fish. Should b okay. Ppl ship stuff 24hrs all the time. Good luck. Drive safe.
You could use a sterile cooler --no soap residue!! And a inverter running off a 110 car jack to supply 25w-50w heat (ck the line Amps so you don't blow fuses) and mini jet pump to keep stuff happy. Do expect a mini cycle bloom so monitor ammonia and nitrite. strip checkers work in a pinch. and use a little Amon/Nitrite remover as needed. Think of this as a mobile QT. Small dolly cart to for +15g. Watch your back!