Bad news about Johnny (aka "Montanareefer")

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You go Johnny! :D
Glad you're doing better.

To anybody that's interested, GregT over at The Reef Tank has set up a special Paypal account for anyone to donate to that wishes to help Johnny and Pat out in this time of need.
The account is: [email protected]

Thanks again to everyone for their support.
It's wonderful how much of a caring community this is. :)
Get Well Montana

Your in my prayers Big guy. Take it from someone whose be there, listen to the Doctors and Nurses and you'll be home soon. Sent Email to the hospital.

MINIATUS :shock:
I just got off the phone with Johnny. His spirits are up and said they were gonna keep him for 3 to 5 days more

Thanks for the update, Jeff. I spoke with Pat a little bit ago - she and Johnny are appreciative of everyone's well wishes!
Another update:

I just got off the phone with Johnny, and believe it or not he sounds the best I've ever heard. :D
The stent that was put in his heart has helped with his circulation, and he says he feels a lot better than he did even before the attack. He's in high spirits and says that he's gotten a manila folder full of e-mails from everyone. :)

Apparently there was a mix-up on the whole situation that I initially reported. He was conscious up until he got to the hospital, then flatlined while in the ER. He said he didn't remember anything from the moment he flatlined until he was resuscitated, but that he woke up screaming and swinging... he almost took out a couple nurses. :D
The doctor laid it out that he needs to get his health in order, and from talking to him it sounds like he's serious about getting it together this time.

He realizes he's been given a second chance at life, which is a blessing considering his family history of heart problems.

The good news is that all of his other veins and arteries are clear, so he won't need open heart surgery, which he's thankful for.

He's hoping to be released tomorrow, and said he's been walking the hallways at the hospital.

Thanks again to everyone for your support and words of encouragement to him, it's really made a difference. :)

If I find out anything else, I'll report back.
Our Lord is a great Lord. We asked for a quick recovery and look what happens he may be going home tomorrow and doesn't need open heart surgery. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and now that Johnny knows the path he needs to take to better health keep him strong and focused so that we can share many more years with him.
Glad to hear he is doing better! best wishes for a speedy recovery....

:razz: cant add much to what dave (reefer addict) said, i also talked to him on the phone yesterday and he sounded like our old johnny was in good spirits and said he felt good so lets hope he does get out today i miss the old fart. :badgrin:

dave. ;)
Stang69 said:
His Phone must be ringin off the hook
thats why i havent called again,, i figured the world would be calling. i have had email contact with Pat and updates from every one here. great group of folks on the web!
I spoke with Johnny for awhile this morning. He was making me laugh and was ornery as ever. They are going to be keeping him for a little bit. His heart needs to be monitored some, as the bottom half and top half are not firing properly. He is in good spirits, and Pat is finally getting some rest.
Its wonderful that the board is still small enuf that we all know who this is, and we all send our well wishes. Thanks everyone for making RF a great board.

Montanareefer - Wish you a speedy recovery, can't wait to see you back on the board.

Bright Greetings!!
I am SO glad Johnny is doing better. I hope to have him with us again soon - I miss his bright candor in the chat channels.

Calling up the elements has obviously helped and to continue speedy recovery I'll be thinking of him again during circle tonite again as well.

Blessed Be!!

Ack... Erik beat me to the punch... ;)

Anyway, to add to Erik's post, Johnny said he's a bit weak, but doing alright. He also said that he starts rehabilitative therapy Thursday morning, but the major part of the ordeal is over (thankfully).
He also said that he received approximately 80 e-mails and lots of phone calls from everyone... I'm sure that has something to do with his quicker-than-usual recovery.

Thanks again to everyone. :)

He should be on in the next couple days to tell the story himself... but it's great that he's here to tell the tale. :)
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