Bad Ph!!

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2004
For a water change I am making new RO water and it tested Ph is 8.8 before it goes in the tank. My RO water is 8.7 up without salt. I tested the tap water for Ph and it is 8.8. How do I get the Ph down on my water?

Just aerate it Zul. Run a powerhead in the bucket with an airline hooked to it. Should bring the PH down.
What are you using to test your ph? If it is a ph meter, have you tested with a good ph test kit such as Salifert? If your reedings seem wacky like that you need to double check with a different method, or brand.
big t said:
What are you using to test your ph? If it is a ph meter, have you tested with a good ph test kit such as Salifert? If your reedings seem wacky like that you need to double check with a different method, or brand.

I am using a Red Sea and a meter. I tested and get color dark purple.
Actually, Tom has a very valid point. You chould double check the reading with another test kit or PH meter to make sure it's not a false reading.
My ro/di water comes from the water company here. I pay $2.50 for a 5 gallon bottle that has 0 nitrates and a ph of 7.0. I've even tested them to make sure. Once it is added to my tank it works it's way up to the 8.0 -.3 ph range. I need to get a more accurate test kit to be exactly sure but it is in that area. I guess whatever is in the tank, from substrate, salt, calcium etc. must buffers the water or something (I would assume). Probably works the same in everyone's tanks to a degree. I'm no chemmist (LOL) just a thought...
reedman said:
Just aerate it Zul. Run a powerhead in the bucket with an airline hooked to it. Should bring the PH down.


Wow!!!:lol: :lol: I used a powerhead with a airline and get 8.03. Now I will cycle water till tomorrow then do my water change in the tank. Thank you for helping.:) :) :)


Wow!!! I used a powerhead with a airline and get 8.03. Now I will cycle water till tomorrow then do my water change in the tank. Thank you for helping.


That's cool! Reed how did that work? Does oxygen have something to do with PH?

I am testing really low on Ph at about 7.7 How to raise the Ph and other than chemical means...Is there something natural to raise and keep the Ph between 8.2 - 8.4 I have the reef additive that will raise to 8.3 but was wondering what in a tank raises the Ph?? Help!!

My brother had the same problem with a fish only tank, his LFS sugested the use an air stone, I was amazed that it brought the pH up to 8.2.
Just an observation. Make sure you check the nitrates in your ro water. With mine I was trying to lower my nitrate and me home ro was running 12.5 for nitrates, bought a ro/di and lower it to 0.
Poorbob2000 said:

I am testing really low on Ph at about 7.7 How to raise the Ph and other than chemical means...Is there something natural to raise and keep the Ph between 8.2 - 8.4 I have the reef additive that will raise to 8.3 but was wondering what in a tank raises the Ph?? Help!!

Kalkwasser (CaOH) Should do the trick ;)... mixed with freshwater, it's usually about 12 :D

This Kalkwasser being added won't hurt anything else in the tank like anemones, polyps, clams, etc...? I actually have a container of it I got when I bought a person's set-up... never used it, though....sigh.

well... it must be dripped into the tank... as a rapid increase in ph will hurt things...

I would reccomend mixing new Kalkwasser personally.

Poorbob2000 said:

This Kalkwasser being added won't hurt anything else in the tank like anemones, polyps, clams, etc...? I actually have a container of it I got when I bought a person's set-up... never used it, though....sigh.

No, the kalk won't hurt anything--but it will bring your calcium levels up. Be sure you get either a drip doser or you make one up yourself (I'm sure somebody here could help with that). Drip it in at a rate of about 1 drop every 2-3 seconds.

When mixing the kalk-be sure to let it set for about 24 hours so that what ever is not dissolved into the water will settle to the bottom of the container. It would be best to use a glass jar with a lid--this will keep the water from being exposed to the air while it is settling. Pour it into your doser--but do not let any of the stuff that has settled out get into your doser. Then all you have to do is set the drip rate.

Because I am a beginner as well--I STRONGLY recommend that you use a drip doser vs a kalk or calcium reactor until you learn more about managing a reef, unless you have sps corals and then--ask for help from one of the moderators or somebody.

The kalkwasser will influence many things
It will raise the ph topically so a low scale calcium precipitation will occure!
It will precipitate PO4 on the rocks and substrate!
It will hurt live organisms if dropped accidentally on the!
It will raise the ph to dangerous levels, if overdosed of course.

I would place some calcium reactor media to top off canister with R/O water and keep it runing,instead !Any way ,that is my hamble opinion....