Bahamian Profiles of reefs, rocks and puddles

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and really krish, the world's reefs are receding, and anytime you can take corals from the ocean and raise them in hobby tanks and spread them around for a few generations, it typically strengthens the coral's ability to deal with adverse conditions, so imagine reseeding those corals into the ocean where the wild colonies died because of a 2 degree temp change.
i think that in the future a much larger responsability to reseed the oceans with captive coral colonies will befall us in the hobby currently growing corals.
the real reef killer is when tropical 3rd world countries just start ripping up the reef to make roads, runways, building foundations, etc.. and also the curio trade has a fair hand in killing corals and fish just to dry out and sell to who ever is stupid enough to buy them. not to mention pollution, ozone depletion, and natural cyclic weather patterns changing water flow, temperature, and salinity.

so we in the hobby will have an opportunity to step to the plate soon enough im sure:) i dont think mother nature will kill you for taking a few corals here or there, you obviously care about the reefs and im sure you would be willing give some energy back to the reefs if they ever needed your help, and they will.
if the reefs wernt receeding to the point of being potentially gone in a couple hundred years i might feel differently about harvesting, but for now i feel responsible harvesting does just as much good as harm..jmo
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Makes sense. I want to learn how to frag off of a reef because I'm not into hacking so we'll see how that goes. Definately the reefs are slowly declining here...
K...Here's a few shots from today out in the boat:)

Anyone know what kind of snails these are?

Fish eating Kentucky :p

Reef coming out of the water as tide begins to go down

Gabby...I have no idea what you are talking about:lol:

Hey Krish awesome pics Dude. The snails are cowries.

I see it was another peach of a day in paradise

Thanks Anthony! The water was a bit mucky today:p Naw...Beautiful day. I was after a royal gramma for about 1 hour and had him in my net twice and he got out so I gave up. Next week I hope to take an underwater camera to get some really nice photos:)
hehe gorgonia is the coral that you got sitting on the table on the 3 picture :p and in the second one too i believe :D.
Almost cooking degrees!:D It's low 90's. The water is still cool when you get in, but it is so hot you don't mind:)
The water is probably 70 something degrees, but the minute you get in and spot that reef, you don't feel anything at all:D
Ah seeing these pictures makes me want to go on holiday again...
Bahama's bit too far from us though. Would spend half my time in the air.
We got Mauritius about 4 hours away, which is similar and then there's Mozambique just up north from us. It's truly unspoilt paradise with some awesome reefs. Formosa colonies so big and wide you can't swim over them in one breath. I'll try and post some pics for you guy's.
Dragonfly said:
Ah seeing these pictures makes me want to go on holiday again...

Same here :cool: My wife and I spent a day in Nassau on a cruise or was it Paradise ?? wherever it was it had the Atlantis Resort and we found a seaside bar away from the tourist area and they had awesome "Conch Fritters" and I think I remember seeing nets in the harbor and when we asked the server she said they were Shark nets :confused:

Great pictures Krish, you live in a place that a lot of Americans only get to dream of visiting
Thanks Mike...It has it's up's and down's like everywhere else, but I like it here. If you went to Atlantis then yeah, that's Paradise Island. I am supposed to stay over there for 2 nights this up-comming weekend so I will update my Atlantis thread (which is in my signature) with some new photos. They are adding on to Atlantis now as we speak to do a 3rd phase. Should be nice:)