banggai Cardinals

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Jason Cody

Active member
Nov 21, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I just introduced two small Banggai Cardinal fish to my reef and have tried feeding them flake, frozen krill and freeze dried kril that is mashed up a bit. They instantly go for it but immediately spit it out.
Any suggestions as to what they prefer to eat?
Stay with It Jason

Try just Flake at first for a few days then move to Frozen Krill If not try Nutrifin Pellits My Banggi's usally eat anything that hits the water Give them a little time.;) HTH ...Jeff

Jason Cody said:
I just introduced two small Banggai Cardinal fish to my reef and have tried feeding them flake, frozen krill and freeze dried kril that is mashed up a bit. They instantly go for it but immediately spit it out.
Any suggestions as to what they prefer to eat?
I would suggest foods that float freely in the water column. If these fish are newly captured and have not been in the "system" that long will not have leaned any other type of feeding behavour that quickly. Their natural foods are not found floating on the waters surface and the scent/shape of the flake is also not familar. Mysis or blender mush would be a much better option soaked in a vitamin containing B12.

Ok, fortunately for the two cardinals they have no other competition. The flake I tried on them floated down to them as I held a little pinch in the water before letting it go. The powerheads did the rest of the work pushing it around. You could be right about them being new to the "system" as they are pretty small, about the size of a dime. What is "blender mush"?