Bangor Sub Base Power Loss

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Plaistow, NH
So Thursday, after grocery shopping, I went out and bought a portable A/C in preperation for the 90F days coming on Thursday and Friday this week.

After I get home we lose power @ 2:30pm, Never mind the fact that my pre-mature twins just came home wednesday too, I start going nuts thinking about what I can do to save all 3 of my tanks.

Long story short. I lost my Scopas Tang, a Peppermint Shrimp, Domino Damsel, Sally Lightfoot Crab and my beloved 6 Line Wrasse. Somehow all my corals survived and my Rose & Green BTA.

What really burns my boots is that the other side of base got power yesterday (Friday) Afternoon, but not us. We just got it back around 3:00am Saturday morning. I am feeling really sad and depressed because of my loss... :*(

Just thought I'd share....
Man that sucks. I lost 2 very large Tiger oscars a couple years ago due to a power outage. I had raised them from little tiny guys and had them for a couple years. Hope everything else does ok for you and you dont have anymore loss. Next time run to a store and buy a bag of ice and put some in a zip lock and float it in the tank, it works.
Man, I heard about that outage. So weird. It's hard to understand how the base can lose power like that. Sorry for your loss. Maybe next time put a call out for a generator. I have one you could have borrowed and I am right between the base and Keyport.
Jnarowe: I will keep that in mind.

I did go out and got another Scopas Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Some type of Goby, and a Cleaner Shrimp yesterday @ the LFS.
Awesome!!! Congrats!!!! My little guy turned 5 months on Thursday. He figured out how to rollover yesterday, and now he's rolling away if I set him down. They grow so fast!!! everybody says it, but this newborn phase is sooo short, its crazy.

you are going to have your hands full with brother has fraternal twins and it is A LOT of work, time and dedication to raise twins....

I have 3 kids, but are 2yrs the weight wasn't as constant as it is with twins..