Storm tales losses saves???

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Inventive way to keep the tank warm!

We were three days without power and kept the tanks going with 2 generators. A 4K through a genswitch during the day and a 700w at night. We used the smaller one at night so we could sleep, never mind the neighbors. I also have battery powered pumps that come on automatically when the power goes out to bide time if I am not home when the power goes out or for when the small generator runs out of gas in the night (only runs about 4.5 hours on a tank) and I do not notice right away. I was able to maintain the tanks temperature fairly steady (5 degree swing) with the tank heaters and selective use of the lites. It helps that we have a propane fireplace upstairs and we could keep the house somewhat warm. Unfortunately the tanks are downstairs and the fireplace upstairs so the downstairs did get down to the mid 50's.

I am very sorry to hear about the losses.

I had been preparing for this as we have had extended outages in the past and I loss a flame angel early this fall when the power went out for about 12 hours and I wasn't around to get the generator going. Fortunately, the preperation paid off as I came through this with little upset to my tanks.
Lost all my Acro's, Monti's, and several soft leathers and Kenya tree.......and that was with a generator running 14 hours a day by my neighbor while I was just down in Fiji diving.......oh well, he saved 80% of my tank from a total crash after 4-5 days of no power in Sultan.
well I got a call from Tage a couple days ago and he said that everything pulled through on his system. His tank sitter had called me when the temp. got really low and wouldn't go back up. I went over and got things straightened out so that's one in the win column for Kitsap reefers! :)
My story isn't so dramatic as most peoples - we were out for about 60 hours (of course three nights) but for the first 20 hours all we had was two of those battery air stones, so we did the L shape tubes to move the water and we took turns (hubby and I) scooping water from the fuge and pouring it down into the main tank via an upsidedown milk jug suspended at our ceiling with a hottub tube leading down into the tank (velocity eh?!)... climb step stool, whooosh, climb down step stool, scoop.... ugh, I got my workout then! BUT - on the second day, my dad drove down from Canada with an 800watt inverter which saved the tank. It was powerful enough to run our Mag 24 (return pump) and a couple of small heaters. Despite having a fire stoked, an indoor propane heater and blankets wrapping it - the tank still got down to 70 degrees. No losses - what a relief. Sorry to those of you who didn't have a friendly canadian to step in :(