Barbie's 120 gallon

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I'm supposed to count? ;) I guess I'll have to do that. Probably 25 or so, without the ricordea I added last week. I picked up a really nice small blue colony and one that's an almost dark teal green. It's hard to describe, but hopefully I can get pictures when I get home from Dallas so I can ID them. I enjoy going on these speaking things, but boy does it make it hectic for a week or two!

My new timer stuck on two days after I replaced the 20k bulbs with 14k, so I'll bet the next set of pictures will be considerably more brown after 12 straight hours. Dang technology! I had so carefully set it down to 2 3 hour cycles. Everything looks like it will survive it at least. Now I'm off to finish the refugium plumbing and get my skimmer ready to run. So far, the Seachem salt and dripping kalk are keeping the calcium up nicely. I did add a geometric pygmy hawk and the bangai cardinal out of my 75 gallon, so now I have a few more fish to hide ;).

Just a short update on this thread. I think these bulbs are not quite enough blue, compared to the others being too much, but I'm going to tough it out for a few months and see if I get used to them. I didn't lose any colonies with the timer snafu, but I had some pretty significant browning out. Amazingly, they still seem to be growing, brown or not.

I added my clams and most of my ricordea from my other tank, also. The refugium is set up and the skimmer is now running (I love that skimmer!). I placed my Koralia 3 blowing straight down behind the rock pile and was amazed how much detritus I'd accumulated already with almost no fish load (2 clowns, a bangai, and 2 geometric pygmy hawks). It took a few days to get it all siphoned out and the tank cleared up again, but it was definitely the right plan for this tank. Now I can look through the bottom and see mostly rock and glass ;).

Here are a few pics of some of the corals. I have high hopes that all the colors will be back to normal by next month!



This one I grew from a tiny 1" frag when I first set the tank up (from MacBeth's colony). It browned some, but you can still see how blue it really is.


This is my Oregon tort frag. It only browned a bit and is growing branches it didn't have for the last photo session. Thank goodness ;).


Hopefully next months pictures will be more impressive ;).

Looks great Barbie!! I picked up some corals from Brandy as well and totally agree. Great corals at great prices. Rics look awesome too!!

BTW, can you detail what bulbs you've been dealing with? Which were too blue and now which aren't blue enough? If your pics are true to color, I think you're right...just a lil' more blue would look great!! What about actinic supplements? Any way to work them into your lighting scheme?
It HAS HO T5 actinics ;). These are Coralife 14k bulbs. I can't remember which ones the 20k were, honestly. I've already turned off the lights downstairs, but I'll drag them out tomorrow and look at them. Oldtimers, donchaknow!

I love the 14k of the Current 150 watt bulbs. I might have to try those next. Sheesh. I'm going to have a fortune in bulbs to sell cheap at the rate I'm going! I'll definitely be doing more research this time around. A friend recommended these and they really aren't getting fair shakes at color rendering and what not with the timer issues. That's why I intend to hang tough for a bit and see if they grow on me. They make picture taking much easier, but it defeats the purpose if the corals don't look all that hot! :p

So it's the MH bulbs that you're having a particular issue with? What length are the T5s? I have some old ones from my Tek5 fixture, in 3 different K ratings. If they'd fit, 48", you could always put them in to see if you like the coloring they give you. They're old but would show you different colors. However, if I remember right, it's the MH bulbs that were and still are giving you color issues. Can't help
The issue is just me being indecisive ;). I don't think the corals would have minded at all if I hadn't scorched them :p. I'll get it figured out, but I appreciate the offer! I don't think the actinic is the issue at all, to be honest.

The issue is just me being indecisive ;). I don't think the corals would have minded at all if I hadn't scorched them :p. I'll get it figured out, but I appreciate the offer! I don't think the actinic is the issue at all, to be honest.


It is so nice to know what you are doing in your spare time. :D
I think you have a beautiful, awesome incredible tank. Mine wants to be just like yours when it is grown up. :)
LOL Spare time? I was up at 3 am uploading those silly pictures. I have SO much to do to get ready for my trip to Baltimore and I was worried about getting too far behind on updating this thread ;). You know you have fishues when....! :p

I'm happy with my tank, definitely, but I think I'd probably even change a few things on this one if I had it to do over again. All that planning and I still find myself saying that ;).

LOL Spare time? I was up at 3 am uploading those silly pictures. I have SO much to do to get ready for my trip to Baltimore and I was worried about getting too far behind on updating this thread ;). You know you have fishues when....! :p

I'm happy with my tank, definitely, but I think I'd probably even change a few things on this one if I had it to do over again. All that planning and I still find myself saying that ;).


Hope trip went well. My tanks do not like it when you go on trips.:(
The trip was fantastic ;). Hopefully your tanks and your patience survived intact, hehe. I'll be at the store Wednesday, along with all of the people Bob told to come back and check with me when I got home. My water changes are 1/2 finished so far and I'm finalizing fish orders. Hopefully things will get back to normal quickly ;).

Oh I'm sure he helped everyone. He's the greatest! He let me go, didn't he? hehe

All joking aside, he was a real trooper about me taking this trip (pun intended) :lol:. I am always glad to be home though, no matter how little sleep I got at the convention! I mentioned I was invited to do 4 more speaking engagements though and his eyes sort of rolled back in his head. I can't imagine why, hehe.

Think that's what he meant when he told me "Hope you enjoyed it, you're never leaving me to take care of the store again!" :lol: I think I'll tell him I just interpreted it wrong and book my flights, now that you set me straight, hehe. I'll be sure to tell him it was thanks to you that I got that cleared up. :lol:

Think that's what he meant when he told me "Hope you enjoyed it, you're never leaving me to take care of the store again!" :lol: I think I'll tell him I just interpreted it wrong and book my flights, now that you set me straight, hehe. I'll be sure to tell him it was thanks to you that I got that cleared up. :lol:


I agree with the no more leaving town deal. Just to tramatic on my tank. I talk to them every day and when I mention that you are out of town I can see the temps spiking the pH goes crazy and everything just goes to ^&%*$. :D
I agree with the no more leaving town deal. Just to tramatic on my tank. I talk to them every day and when I mention that you are out of town I can see the temps spiking the pH goes crazy and everything just goes to ^&%*$. :D

On the other hand when I go out of town i get to play with all the things I want to put in my tank. 3 foot octo, a bunch of baby octos, 2 wolf eels, grunt nose skulpin, a skate, lots of hermit crabs, and a 6 gill (he stayed kind of far off) and STAR FISH FOREVER. :p
OK, it's time to update again. I don't realize how much everything is grown until I look at the old pictures. The bulbs on the tank are now Ushio 20K and I think I'll be staying with these at least 6 months. I need to give the corals the same light long enough to see how they stabilize. There's still some brown in the tank from all of the changes and what not, but it's definitely not like it was.

I've added a few fish. An orange spotted rabbit, a Priolepis nocturnus, and a Helfrichi firefish. So far they're all doing fantastic. Oh, and also two fire shrimp.





I'm really enjoying this tank. It's great to see the corals changing and growing so quickly. Now if only I could make myself leave things alone!
