Barrier Reef's 11th Anniversary Sale
Save The Dates
Save The Dates
Wednesday November 29th - Private pre-scheduled appointments only (more info below). Closed to the public unless you book an appointment. This will greatly reduce the line, crowds, and wait times Friday – Sunday, creating a better overall experience. You are also guaranteed a gift bag Wednesday.
Thursday November 30th – Closed for restocking.
Friday December 1st 10AM-7PM, Saturday December 2nd 10AM-7PM & Sunday December 3rd from 12PM-6PM (All open to everyone. No appointment needed.)
This year's event is going to be a blast!
We will be giving out 100 free gift bags throughout the event. 40 guaranteed to appointment holders. 28 Fri, 20 Sat, and 12 Sun. (1 per household)
The free raffle is shaping up to have some incredible prizes and this year you can watch the drawing on our Facebook page Live! (Sunday @6:15PM)
There will also be 5 deluxe prizes being raffled off.
• Ecotech Radion XR30 Pro LED Light $800 Value
• Pair of Seahawks tickets plus a $50 American Express Gift Card to get your game day started
• Eshopps S-120 Protein Skimmer $300 value
• Ice Cap Reef Cam $200 Value
• 60lb Box Real Reef Rock $480 value
Additional shipments arriving Thursday after the private appointments to restock for the weekend.
All of this along with the incredible discounts and door busters we always offer.
Follow this thread, our Facebook/Twitter pages, the BRA free App or watch for further newsletters for more details. We will share them as they are available.
Private Appointment Information
I'm hoping to start posting the specials and raffle items later next week. We always get a lot of questions about scheduling the Wednesday appointments so here we go. Remember, no appointment needed to come take advantage of the sale on Fri-Sun December 1-3 and we will be restocking Thursday Nov 30th.
If you want first pick of all the great corals and fish + no crowds or waiting, and a guaranteed free gift bag, set up an appointment for Wednesday November 29th. We will be closed to the public this day, and we will schedule five customers each hour, that will be helped by the five employees working that day. Yes you can bring family or friends as long as they are willing to share the staff member who is helping you. Only one gift bag per appointment holder though. All the sale specials are good this day! Our specials will be posted soon.
If you are interested in scheduling one of these slots please PM me, or email, with up to three time slots, in order of preference, that would best fit your schedule on Wednesday November 29th. Appointments start at 10AM and are on the hour. We will break for lunch between 12-1. The last appointments start at 6PM. I need your first and last name and a phone number. The scheduling of these time slots will be done on a first-come first-serve basis. If ANY slot works for you please indicate this in your message. Please don't commit to a time slot if you are not sure you can make the appointment.
Time Slots
2.Richard R.
4.Jeff S.
6. Chris H.
1.Emmanuel B.
2.Matt D.
3.Vance P.
4.Chad D.
5.Justin T.
12-1pm Lunch
1.Brian O.
2.Nicholas H.
3.Anton N.
4.Daniel H.
5.Pham P.
1.Mark L.
2.Robert K.
3.Reynaldo R.
4.Nolan S.
5.Elisa FH.
1.George G.
2.Jason V.
3.Troy S.
4.Jim S.
5.Tirtha G.
1.Sara M.
2.Steve L.
3.Thomas A.
4.Kim D.
5.Troy H.
6. Quin
1.Erik N.
2.Darren D.
3.JB Bravo
4.Tevin P.
5.Amy F.
1.Aleta P.
2.Jeff C.
3.David L.
4.Tim T.
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