beat bioshock

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How long do you estimate it took you to beat the game? I am thinking about picking it up. Sounds like it falls inline with GOW: short but awesome.

i would say at the most 15 hours..

condemned was a very good game but im sorry to say bioshock is alot better...
I'm still playing it, its way to nice outside to spend alot of time on it. I just bought a new downhill mountain bike so I have other things to do. Whistler Bike park, here I come!
So I Picked up BioShock for myself and Rayman for my daughter this weekend. I also paid my balance due for Halo 3. My daughter played rayman for a while and was complaining of lockups. I put in bioshock and played for about 30 mins and then it happened. RROD:evil: This couldn't have happened at a better time with turnaround at 6 weeks.
yeh welcome to the club they say about 6 weeks but i just got mine back in about 2. So it was good turn around although they send u a different console back.
I got my console at Costco, they're really good about exchanging stuff like that.

I beat BioShock tonight, I really liked that game. I was going to say something about the ending, but I won't spoil it for other people...
MS is sending me out a box to ship it back in. I was hoping my unit would last long enough that when it died I would get the new 65nm gpu in return. I think it died about 2 months to soon. Oh well hopefully it will die again within the next 2 years so I can get the new gpu. At least I will get the new gpu heat sink. I pray they get rid of that awful x clamp with the new gpu. That would solve 90% of there return issues.
Dont Read this post if you haven't beaten it!


I saved all the Little Sisters, I thought the ending sucked. I didn't expect Fontaine to be Atlas though. It was funny to see Fontaine getting shanked by all these little girls with 12" hypodermic needles though. I thought that the ending scene was way too short, like they needed to make deadline and just threw something together to make it end. :doubt:

What did you think?