been gone for awhile..

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Houston, Texas
I wanted to say first how much I have missed everyone. Thursday a week ago, we had a terrible storm, power out for over 6 hours and during this my mother fell and broke her hip. We had no power so I had to run around the neighborhood looking for someone with a cell phone or phone as power was on across the street. Called 911 and the ambulance came to get her. Surgery was a week ago saturday and she's doing better. She had some sort of reaction to the endotrachael tube and couldn't swallow anything for a few days without choking.

Anyway, I have the feeling that getting out of the hobby might be right for me. Worrying about the tank while power was out and then my mom was about too much for me to handle.

Ya'll take care and I hope to see everyone when I can....:(
ohh doodette that sucks big time :( .
i'm really sorry to hear about your mom .
don't get out of the hobby !!:oops::oops:.

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( My prayers go out to her and your family for a quick and complete recovery.

While in a time of stress, never make BIG decisions until things calm down. Let your mom heal up and then decide on your tank later. Send me an email if you need anything (even if you just need to blow off steam).

I'm sorry to hear about the problems Sue. This hobby would be at a loss without you in it. I hope you take a step back, maybe contemplate simplifying as much as possible until things settle down even more. I would hate to see you go, I certainly wouldn't blame you for shutting down, but I hope you take that step back and consider maybe "less" than "zero". Let us know if there is anything we can do on our end.
Sorry to hear that Sue, I agree with Curt, step back & let the tide settle before doing anything. If anything these days smaller tighter tanks are very doable & so much easier to care for, when designed properly. Wish you well & your mom a speedy complete recovery, my grandma broke her hip @ 85 & walked after her determination to not give up.;)
Sue, you and your mom are in my thoughts! I would also hate to see you go! Hopefully, someone local can help you out with tank stuff while you are in daughter-nurse mode. Please let us know if there is anything we can do!
Sorry to hear about your troubles Sue :doubt: You'll have to do what is best for you right now. RF will always be here and so will the hobby. I will definately keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prays that everything turns out for the best. I wish you well Sue:)
Hi Sue! Prayers for you and your Mom. I think most of us understand that while 'reefing' is is unexpected, and that and family are more important than this hobby alone.

I hope things settle down quickly, and please let me know what I can do to keep you in this hobby. You will be missed by many.

Thank you all for the spirit boosting words and wishes. They have helped me so much. I guess the best part in all this is finding out how many do care for each other in this hobby{extended family}. I knew that we all did care but seeing this first hand means all the more. Mother is on the rehab floor now and working her backside off to get over this. She is more of a fighter than I ever knew.

Thank each and every one of you that replied to me. The words will be in my heart.
Hey Sue,
hate to tell you this....but you cant quit. :D

Photo's of your tank are one of the reasons I got into this hobby like I have. So if you leave....who will I emulate??????
See, so you cant leave.

I realize how life gets in the way of things....but like Curt and others suggested, let things get settled down before you make a decision like that. You've been through difficult times before w/ your car accident, and IIRC you credit reefing with helping you get through that...

By all means, take care of your mother.....she needs you now, but I bet you can find away to keep your feet wet in the hobby and help your mother out.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your mom.

Ouch! I hope your Mom has a speedy and complete recovery.

Wait a few weeks if you can on the reef decision. You may need the hobby to help with sanity. Is there a reefer near you who could assist with a few water changes or rehome any high maintenance species of fish or coral? I'd volunteer if you weren't in Texas.

Care giving can be draining and if home health care is available to your Mom you owe it to both of you to look into the option. My mother in law refused to ask thinking she was somehow shirking her duties to her bedridden mother. She refused help from the family. I didn't see anyone benefit from her decision. My mother got visiting healthcare for my grandmother and actually let family and friends help. The burden still fell mostly to her but the situation was much healtier mentally for all involved. Even a small break can keep the situation from overwhelming you. Most hospitals have social workers on staff who can help guide you through getting help. I only mention this because it is an often understaffed department and it would be a shame if your need for info got lost in the shuffle.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. Best wishes
First I hope your Mom is doing well. It sounds like she is on the mend. Rehab is really hard and I know when your Mom comes home a part time home health person can be a great thing for a few hrs. or at nights.
I too was inspired by the pictures of your tank and your thoughtful input (responses) to many threads to take better care of my tank and even push the envelope a little.
Sue that is tough news, I hope your mom is on a speedy road to recovery. Do what ever you feel is right with the tank, but I am not to worried about you as you have been through more then most folks I know and keep bouncing back stronger and stronger then ever, one tough little cowgirl!!!! :).

Take care sweetie

Just when I think ya'll can't pick my spirits up any more you make me take a step back. Nick, Shannon, Deb and Mike, thank you for your words. Today they mean so very much. Mom is doing good to the point they have made a date for her discharge, next wednesday. If all goes as is. She will have therapy workers coming to the house and whatever else she needs it sounds like. I try to make my timing to coincide with the doctors visits.

The tank looks fine, and I do have a local new company doing my water changes for me. They are good so I'm not worried. Things look good in the tank so that is a relief. I was so worried about the power outage lenght but all seems just fine. Thanks again guys, you keep me going...
I am so happy things are coming together for you. Everything is a little less overwhelming when the details start to get worked out. I am still sending good thoughts and best wishes for you and your mom.
Mom is doing good to the point they have made a date for her discharge, next wednesday. If all goes as is. She will have therapy workers coming to the house and whatever else she needs it sounds like. I try to make my timing to coincide with the doctors visits.

The tank looks fine, and I do have a local new company doing my water changes for me. They are good so I'm not worried. Things look good in the tank so that is a relief. I was so worried about the power outage lenght but all seems just fine. Thanks again guys, you keep me going...

That's great new Sue! I hope everything continues to progress well for your mother and that you continue to get some peace of mind and keep a positive attitude:)
Thanks Shannon and Krish. It does help to see the tunnel and that there is a light at the end of it. One of mom's nurses gave her that analogy the other day. I liked it and thought I'd use it too. LOL..

Ya'll rock!!