My wife is in the University of Washington Medical Center

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Hi everyone, my wife, though still groggy, she does know where she is at and what has happened. They pulled her catheter out of her neck and her other catheter out and now she she is only hooked up to an IV. She still has the chest tubes in but she is supposed to get those out tomorrow, so that should ease some of the pain. She sat in a chair today and ate a little bit. The nurses say that she is doing well and on her way to recovery. I am sure that all of your prayers and well wishes have contributed to her recovery and my mental health. Thank you everyone. I will keep you updated.

now thats some good news...
She is doing much better. They took her out of ICU and moved her down the hall. It's a step down from Intensive Care so she doesn't require as close attention as ICU. The doctor was in and said that she medically is doing fine and having her family her family is her mental support. Her sister and her son drove up from southern California to be with her and her son comes over from Bellevue everyday. She has about another week in the hospital and then they will move her to a skilled nursing facility closer to home untill she gets her strength back. Her color in her face is the best I have seen in quite some time. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and concerns, it has really meant a lot to me as you are all in my family and the best of friends.
She got her last chest tube out today and they say she can come home on Friday as long as everything keeps going in the right direction. It is amazing that one Friday she is fighting for her life and underwent emergency surgery and the next Friday she is coming home, just unbelievable. Thank you for all of your support, all of you are also amazing.-Earl
Well, my wife comes home tomorrow, Friday. She doesn't have to go to an after care facility. She had a bit of a rough day today, but she said she will be ready in the morning. She has to go to cardiac rehab at Valley Medical Center starting in about two weeks, but that is just in and out the same day for a couple of months. I don't know how many days a week or anything but will find out in the morning.
More good news glad she is able to go home..

Just try and stay positive threw it all and try and keep her spirits up as well..

I hope all continues to go well and she recovers fast..
Thanks to all of you, she is now home. Her sister is up here from California and she will help to get her strength up. They both have similar interests (games online) so she will be helping to get her stronger. Amazing, just under 7 days from surgery and now home.