Best/Cheapest glass store anywhere in the Pacific Northwest

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Empire was about $10 cheaper then my truly local store.....

So annoying, Glass Cages makes almost exactly what I want (24"x24"x16") out of 1/2" glass and they only charge $150 for the finished, rimless product. If I lived on the east coast I would be all over that.

At this point I might build my tank out of 1/4" and add some 2 inch "euro-brace" rails to the sides, but I will call up Estanoches uncle and see what he quotes me first. A truly rimless aquarium would be awesome.
if she didn't mention her uncle, then i would say have Barbie order the glass from that one place that you said only does wholesale...
Its probably too late but I really like Valley Glass in Spokane. We use them for glass for doors when we need it.
I think they are right in there cost wise, but the customer service is great.
their phone number is 509-924-4900 they are on Pines in the spokane Valley.

We have a wholesale account with them tho..
I guess what I really like is they call when they say they will, your stuff is ready early usually.
Yeah after calling around all the prices were about the same (Except for one place that charged nearly double, over $400...). As is things have changed and I am going with 1/4" glass cut by a local glass shop I use all the time.

Someone brought up a good point awhile ago, 40 breeders are made of 1/4" glass, are 17" tall, and are basically rimless (that little plastic lip doesn't count). As is the water height in my tank will only be 12" so I am still going to go rimless with my cube build.
I thought 40 breeder was 3/8? I looked at my 29 gallon and it looks like it's 1/4 and its 18" tall and i took the rim off like two years ago and its been running to the brim with water ever since with no problems. It's an old O'Dell that is probably 30 or so years old :D Anyway i think 1/4 will probably be fine :)
Yeah, I think the silicone to glass bond is a lot stronger then we give it credit for. I plan on getting some black RTV 103 silicone, its going to look snazzy. If I'm lucky my glass should be ready today!
My guys always polish the edges. I think you'd have to ask to get them sharp.

I plan on having the tank done before i leave for "home" on Friday afternoon, when I come back on Sunday I'll decide if I think the 1/4" will hold. If not, I will throw some 24"x2" rails along the two sides where most of the glass comes together.
Heres a sneak peak:

Hahahaha, you saw the tags! I was thinking about returning them after the job. They were about $30 a piece and I don't know if I really NEED 24" clamps. The throat depth is almost always more limiting then the travel.
you can also check out this company. A lot companys, Glass and furniture stores get glass from them. Back in my younger days I wouked for a Seattle high end furniture store, most of our glass table tops came from them. Even my dinning table top was custom ordered from them. I see there truck all the time in the seattle area.

Do they sell retail to end user? what is the longest you can get with glass?
I took these awhile ago and forgot to post them, what do you think?




I built the stand too. It will be going over my external skimmer and sit right next to my main tank. So, is the general consensus that I should be fine with 1/4" glass or should i add two rails along the outside edges?
that looks nice taq!
Plan>B, i don't know if it is the longest, but a dude in the bay area has a sps farm outside, and his current tank glass w/ an Al stand and the glass is 20' long... i found it on the if you can't find it LMK and i'll try to find it again.
that looks nice taq!
Plan>B, i don't know if it is the longest, but a dude in the bay area has a sps farm outside, and his current tank glass w/ an Al stand and the glass is 20' long... i found it on the if you can't find it LMK and i'll try to find it again.

Yeah... your talking about Steve... nice set up. He is using 2 10' pieces with I think it's a 6" overlap. Nice setup. I was hoping not to go that route as this would be a DT.