Best in sump skimmer?

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Some of the air gets abosorbed in to the water, and returns with the effluent. Other air gets released in the collection cup.

If the entire unit was completely air tight, there could be no flow, and the whole thing would eventually explode from built up pressure! LOL
But if the excess air gets collected in the collection cup, wouldn't that mean, it has to have somwhere 2 flow out, and air flows eaiser that water, wouldn't the air all flow out then the water level rise till it flows our where the air does?
I have a g3 on a 60 gallon breeder and I couldn't be happier with it. I think it is the best bang for the buck.
I do know that if you want to get an ASM skimmer you might want to get it quick because they just raised their prices that they charge their suppliers.
DMJ said:
But if the excess air gets collected in the collection cup, wouldn't that mean, it has to have somwhere 2 flow out, and air flows eaiser that water, wouldn't the air all flow out then the water level rise till it flows our where the air does?
The collection cups are vented.
The air intake is external to the skimmer.
The bubble tower loses some air to atmoshphere, and then the out flow is supposed to get rid of the rest of the bubles. The dissolved gases in the water are now equal in content to the atmosphere in the room where the air intake is. Or at least they are supposed to be. LOL
skimerwhisperer said:
decent, but mediocre performance, spend a few more bones and get the aqua c remora:)

that is a joke, right

i would say the best skimmers are

do want cheap
coralife ss

bubble king
chadfarmer said:
that is a joke, right
i would say the best skimmers are
do want cheap
coralife ss
bubble king

no, but coralife skimmers are, just because it's a needle wheel doesnt make it a good skimmer, mabye if you could buy 5 out of 10 that didnt leak i might be able to overlook the crappy rio pump they use to power the thing, so even if it does produce decent skimmate, i would say that is negated by the fact that it's made from sub standard components. save your money, you'll be replacing this skimmer when you get serious.

granted i should have paid closer attention to the thread title, "in sump skimmers" anytime someone mentions cpr skimmers all i think of is the backpak, so my knee jerk response was to suggest the remora instead.
of coarse there are better skimmers, especially in sump ones, so take a chill pill mr. cathode ray cool guy, i can name off some big boys too, and you forgot the best ones, being;
and i'll take grotech over h&s anyday, at least from my personal experience.

and for cheap skimmers i like;
aqua c,
top fathom,
via aqua(in sump)

btw, that reactor in your av is pretty sweet looking, you must be a diy geek:)

im not as impressed by bubble king after listening to dave from o2many fish give a presentation on comparative skimmer performance, it was one of the weakest skimmers that was in the competition. but i do absolutely LOVE royal exclusive's pvc welded sumps!!!! i dont even want to know how much they cost! check em out!
one thing to look for experience has taught me is get one that can be disassembled enough to clean a couple times a year. ive had good luck with my aqua c but it is hard to adjust properly, salt creep or water leaks are common and now that i want to clean inside my skimmer i see why some skimmers are made in several removable sections!