Bi-color Angel and Niger trigger

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May 24, 2005
yakima wa
Hi, I was wondering if a Niger trigger and a Bi-color angel could be in a 55 gallon tank with 3 fire fish, 1 six line wrasse, 1 small scopas tang, and some hemit crabs and snails, who have been in there for about 6 months? Thanks.
Well it is going to depend on size, and the type of filtration you have, and rock lay out.
If you have like a 30 or 40 gallon sump, and great big skimmer and lots of hidey holes it may work. The bicolor isnt really going to be to much. The Scopas and the Niger both get pretty big. If you dont mind getting a bigger tank and you have the filtration for them now it might be ok.
I have way to many fish in my tank. I have a blueface angel, a coral beauty, 2 chromis, a clown, a swalisi basslet, a mandirin goby, and a tailspot wrasse. However its a 75 with a 20 sump and Asm G-3 skimmer and tonga live rock. My nitrates are reading and staying at zero and my phos is undetecable with a salifert kit.
If I put a smaller skimmer and took away my sump, I believe every thing in the tank would die or at least be stressed to the max.
I hope this made some kind of sense, since I am very tired and need to go to sleep. LOL

If I were a Niger trigger, I would love to grow up to eat your firefish!
Even if you were lucky enough to recieve one of the "Good" triggers, it's prescence alone may be enough to keep your firefish in hiding, eventually resulting in starvation.
The Bicolor angel is a fairly difficult fish to feed. The people who I have seen have the best results, put them in tanks with abusive amounts of live rock and corals. These fish are constant grazers and would love to eat your favorite corals, (which is OK, if your love for this fish is really that strong).