Bio Cube Question

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
I'm going to add a sump to my BC 29. I want to drill the rear & put in 2 bulkheads (1 drain 1 return) I'm thinking that since the back is not super strong I would get a piece of either acrylic or Plexiglas attach it to the outside of the rear wall to reinforce it. I would assume seeing as it's on the outside super glue would work? or would I need something like weld on cement?
I thought the back was plastic, now that I just checked I think it may be glass which presents a whole new set of problems as this tank is set up & has been running for 2 years. I was just hoping to lower the water level, have a shop vac on each side to suck up any debris before it hit the water & drill a couple bulkheads. Hmmmm.......
Here's an option. Not sure which hood you have on your Biocube, but you can convert your biocube into one of these prefilters below. (The picture was taken from an old thread where I showed a member how to prime this prefilter thus the reason for all the drawings on it).

So, you would use your back compartment as the the pre-filter input and build a small box to go on the outside of the biocube and then just buy or make a U siphon tube out of PVC to go from the back compartment of the biocube to the new box where it will drain water to your sump. This way you wouldn't need to drill. Simply plumb over the biocube and bring your return back in over the top. Here is a sketch below to show you what I mean. Just a thought to get the wheels turning a bit. :)


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