Ok I'm still hooked DD911's 60 cube build...

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Just a quick update...

Got the new stuff installed and everything is working great! The Kessil controller is great and super easy to use. The Tunze pump really pushes the water for how small it is and can create some crazy chaotic waves. The RKL is currently controlling my Kessil controller, heater and ATO.

I forgot to mention my Hydor ATO does not work with my aqualifter pump ;( so its going back to Amazon for a refund. Just using the RKL to control the ATO to come on 1x day. If anybody knows how to setup so it comes on 2x per day please let me know.

Now I'm starting to see some algae growing on the rocks looks like peach fuzz and I think diatoms are slowly showing up as some of the rocks are looking slightly brownish. I still haven't tested the water yet but it smells clean and is crystal clear. I'll be testing this week just need to pickup a test kit.

Going to add some L/R to seed the tank and get the refugium going. Should have my first fish in the next couple of weeks.
Would a multi-timer work for you? Here's some instructions from DA's forum:

Setting up a Multi-Timer:

There are several steps that are needed for setting up a Multi-Timer. The first is to set up the one or two timers you will be using. The second is to link the timers to the Multi-Timer function on a channel. Here are those two steps.

1) Timers: Timers are outlined on page 14 of the manual

Assumption: You have NO timers currently programmed.

Press [Menu] and scroll to “Timers” and press [Enter]. Scroll to the timer you wish to program (we’ll use “Timer01” for the first timer,) and press [Enter]. Set up the timer as needed as outlined in the manual.

Useful notes about Timers:
1) Timers will not start mid cycle. If you program a timer to come on at 10am and it’s currently 10:30am, that timer will not start up until the next start time occurs.
2) If “Oscillate” is selected, start time, DOW and Repeat are ignored; only on duration and off duration are used and the timer will start right a way.
3) A repeat count set at 00 will complete the cycle once per day (selected in DOW.) If repeat is selected such that the timer overlaps in to the next programmed cycle, that next cycle will not occur.

By setting up two timers to link to a multi-timer function you can get more and more advanced cycles for feedings, custom lighting and such.

2) The “Multi-Timer”: Multi-Timers are outlined on page 11 of the manual

Press [Menu] scroll to "Outputs", press [Enter] scroll to the channel you want to program as a Multi-Timer. Note the flashing light on 1-4 will match a flashing status light on the corresponding PC, press [Enter].

Mode: Do not adjust "Mode" this will be taken care of automatically.

Function: Multi-Timer
Scroll down to "Function" and press [Enter] then scroll down to " Multi-Timer " and press [Enter]

“Timer1” will be flashing, press [Enter]. “00” will be flashing, scroll [up] or [down] to the timer you want to assign to “Timer1” and press [Enter]. This will be one of the timers that you’ve programmed in step 1.

Repeat these steps for “Timer2” if a second time is needed.

Pressing [Back] twice will display the channel with a blinking "Save" press [Enter] to save your setup or back to discard it.

You can press [Back] until you're at the home screen or proceed to the next channel by scrolling [up] or [down].

Now as with any channel an alarm condition or standby status can be set to affect the channel’s output stated, either on or off, based on that outside influence. Alarms are often used to cut the power for lighting when your tank temperature goes over a set point. See the light example for that alarm setup – coming soon.
New Year...New Aquascape

So I decided the current island just wasn't going to cut it. I normally don't go overboard aquascaping as the corals (once filled in) provide most of the aquascape. However this time I decided to go all out using 1/2" acrylic rods and drilling holes in my rock. I made a large overhang with a couple coral islands coming off the main structure. Also did a medium half circle for fish to swim through. Ended up getting a cave, overhang and tunnel once it was all done. I had to raise the light about 6" because the main overhang is around 17-18" tall. Overall very happy with how it turned out. Lots of places for coral placement and fish will have lots of room.

Just an update...

So I'm coming up on 6 weeks and things are going as expected. I'm nearing the end of the diatom bloom and rocks are starting to get a green tinge to them now. I added some chaeto and a couple small pieces of L/R to seed the tank although I'm looking to get some more life in the tank via sponges, feather dusters and brissle worms etc. I think I'm going to convert the fuge into a cryptic rubble zone.

Last 2 weeks I've added 3 fish a Tailspot Blenny, Pygmy Cherub Angel and a Snowflake Clown. I'm going to give it a few weeks before I add anything else just to make sure I don't go too fast and overload things. Plan is to add a B+W clown, Flame Hawk, Mystery Wrasse and Goby/shrimp pair. I'm on the fence about adding another Angel possibly a Flame. I know it's a risk but they're one of the best looking fish and worth the chance.

I also added a couple value frags (zoas and a nuclear green Leptoseris) just to see how they do and so far so good. Zoas have even added a couple small polyps.

Anyway if anybody has some spare L/R with lots of life on it let me know and I'll gladly pay for it.

Just crossed the 3 month barrier so here's what I've added so far and adding a bunch of Acans this week. :)


1 Lyretail Anthias
1 Pygmy Cherub Angel
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 Tailspot Blenny
1 Snowflake Clown
1 B&W clown



Tyree Pink Lemonade
Cali Tort
ORA Red Planet
Purple Poccilipora
Bali Green Slimer
Monti Setosa
Monti Undata


Metallic green Fungia
Ultra Orange/green/purple Fungia
Purple tipped Frogspawn
Gold Torch
Red Blasto Wellsi


Sunny D Zoas
Rainbow Palys
RPE Palys
Capnella sp.
Yellow/green Sinularia
3 types of Yuma


Scarlet Cleaner shrimp
Rose BTA
