Bit by trigger.

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
Today I was feeding my fish in my FOWLR and had a close call with my clown trigger:lol: I feed him first because of how aggressive he is but after I fed him I was feeding my shark and he saw the food in my hand and charged. I am not scared of getting bit by this fish however I am curious how many of you have been bit by a trigger similar to this I am sure that if he did get me it would just be a small cut with a little blood. cant be any thing near as bad as a lion fish sting...

entertain me with some stories of trigger bites!!:D

I've had queen triggers here bite eagle claw hooks in half while out of the water!!! :eek: They would take that finger right off!!!:p
remember my trigger is only about 7'' I dont think he could bite my finger off :rolleyes:
atleast I hope not:D

well i was feeding my pink tail and i was yelling at children at the same time and the trigger clamped down when my head was turned. i jumped so high and fell through the dinning room table
loohunter said:
well i was feeding my pink tail and i was yelling at children at the same time and the trigger clamped down when my head was turned. i jumped so high and fell through the dinning room table

ahh funny story... one night i was workingon my tank. standing on a chair.. i leaned back to look into the tank thru the front... my butt was too heavy i guess and i started losing my balance tilting backwards.. started falling.. crahsed thru a glass coffee table.. broken glass cut my forearm to the bone rusehd to the hospital got 18 stiches.... fell thru the glass coffee table=/
well, I will be more carefull from now on I suppose, I dont want to lose a finger or fall through a table:lol:

i have never gotten bit by one, but i did talk to this guy about a year ago and he had a large chunk out of his finger from a clown trigger. in my FOWLER, i had a couple of snails and my huma crushed some snails!
I added 50 nassarius snails today in my fowlr and my clown trigger is eating them like candy, thank god that they were a $10 ebay special:D


1st... GREAT FISH GUY!!!

Back in the late 80's... I had a Fish Only... with a Clown Trigger... and they have one of the most awesome personalities! I don't know if its because they are easily trained to eat out of your hands or not... but I always enjoyed mine.

Okay... back to the story...

One day... feeding time, I had fed the Trigger 1st... and was in the process of feeding my Porcupine Puffer. (another great fish, by the way), when I see my Trigger heading right for a 2nd mouth full... only this time it was about to me my little finger! I quickly move my hand... not paying any attention to the Puffer... and the next thing I know... the puffer trying to eat HIS dinner... has missed, and is latched onto my thumb!

That scared the begeezus out of me... and I quickly pulled my hand up and out of the tank. Of course, the puffer didn't let go... so out he comes. Bounces off the ceiling... landing on the floor.

By now... he is sooo puffed up, looks like a 10lb porcupine!!! I reach to pick him up... of course getting numerous pricks from his spines! Finally, after what seemed like 10 minutes, but was about 10 seconds I'm sure... I decide to just go for it... grab him no longer caring about the pain... and toss him back into the tank.

That poor Porcupine was puffed up for the rest of the evening!!!! *Grinz*

I didn't lose tooo much blood from all the pin pricks on my hand... but they sure were sore for an hour or so!

The funnies thing though... in all of that commotion, I had dropped the scallop into the tank when I got grabbed... and of course the Clown Trigger had found it. He comes over to check out the Porcupine... still holding that scallop in his mouth... then spits it out, right into the Porcupine's mouth!!!

It was like "I know you just had a horrible experience with that nasty guy out there... so you can now have your dinner guy"! *Grinz*
I was bite by my niger trigger while feeding one time. It hurt but it was not bad. He was only about 6". I got bit by my naso today. I put food in my hand and make a loose fist. My clowns will go in my fist and eat. (they are my buds) The naso comes and and eats some fragments and bites my hand. I could feel small teeth but it did not break the skin. It surprised me on how much it hurt.
I was bite by my niger trigger while feeding one time. It hurt but it was not bad. He was only about 6". I got bit by my naso today. I put food in my hand and make a loose fist. My clowns will go in my fist and eat. (they are my buds) The naso comes and and eats some fragments and bites my hand. I could feel small teeth but it did not break the skin. It surprised me on how much it hurt.

he must have thought you were tasty :p :D .
(by the way, say happy birthday to Melissa dood :D ... i want cake !!! so she better send me some hehe)