blasto's and green star polyps no doing well.....?

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Do not waste your money on additives just yet. I would say don't buy them at all but I don't want to start a big debate ;)
I keep a clam, zoa's, LPS & in almost 5yrs have NEVER dosed anything aside from 2 part. And I even quit that by upping my water changes.
Our salt mixes have what is needed. But most try and get away from doing regular WC's via dosing. So it's a personal preference. Also it may be the bigger the tank the easier it is to dose instead of doing regular WC's.
FYI-our LFS's are there to make money. It is their job to sell you product. Most of which you'll never need.

Sent from my iPhone 4s via Tapatalk.

great advice.
Yeah I'm not gonna dose anything as of yet.... I've been reading about hydrogen peroxide dips for Zoas .... what does everyone think of them?
Yeah I'm not gonna dose anything as of yet.... I've been reading about hydrogen peroxide dips for Zoas .... what does everyone think of them?

what did you hope to accomplish with the hydrogen peroxide dip?

Do you have any idea why you had a ammonia spike?
No the spike was there one night and gone the next morning been at 0 for 3 plus days..... might have even been that i messed up with maybe adding on too many drops or what have you.... but ive tested every day since and it has read 0ppm.....and I was reading about some people having algae growing on their zoas that doesn't come of even using a brush.... so they dip in peroxide which loosens the algae up to be blown off or puts it in a state that it'll come off in some flow ...... which is why I was asking cuz I have the brown stock but healthy looking closed polyps.... just a thought and figured i would ask..... by the way all the reading I've been doing the last few days I can't find what color the stock should be..... I was under the impression it should be the same color as the polyp when closed but now thinking about it I'm not sure being new to corals and all.... can anyone tell me what color the stock should be please
Ok gotcha that's why I was asking needed to know what kinda algae it helped..... won't be doing that ..... what color are the stocks normally?
Really depends on the zoanthid.
The color of the stalk can vary from light to dark.
Pictures would help.
I would look into better lighting as well as getting the test kits. 4 bulb vho t5 setup may not be adequate lighting for a 90g if your wanting coral :) Look in to some LED's
And money is tight now..... and sticking to low light corals.... not interested in spa and have been told by quite a few reefers that I'd be good with softies and a few lps if place high on my rockwork.... led would be nice but a nice set is out of my price range for a bit...
Are you running a skimmer? With all your parms checking out o.k. it's the only thing i can think of. Also, just cuz, I would run a little carbon in the tank and see if that helps anything.