So here's a puzzler-
I have had this colony of green pocilliopora for over a year now. It has grown quite well for me and I have been able to frag 5 seperate colonies from the mother. Recently, all 3 colonies that I have remaining have bleached out and all that is left are pink tips. All the other sps corals in my tank show no signs of bleaching. I haven't made an adjustments to lighting, equipment, etc. The only thing that I have changed recently is the carbon. Given that the bleaching is not widespread (as in all tank mates) and the pocilliopora colonies aren't even near each other, I have no clue what's going on. Any ideas??? I took that carbon out and did a water change. My parameters are all in the "good" range and this happened literally within about 2 days.
I have had this colony of green pocilliopora for over a year now. It has grown quite well for me and I have been able to frag 5 seperate colonies from the mother. Recently, all 3 colonies that I have remaining have bleached out and all that is left are pink tips. All the other sps corals in my tank show no signs of bleaching. I haven't made an adjustments to lighting, equipment, etc. The only thing that I have changed recently is the carbon. Given that the bleaching is not widespread (as in all tank mates) and the pocilliopora colonies aren't even near each other, I have no clue what's going on. Any ideas??? I took that carbon out and did a water change. My parameters are all in the "good" range and this happened literally within about 2 days.