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May 4, 2007
Three weeks ago I purchased a 5cm goldflake angel who appeared in good condition and has been eating exceptionally well ...
This week she seemed to be getting stockier . Unfortunately I don't think she is fat - after viewing her closely today I am sure she is bloated around the abdomen.

There is no redness or raised scales and otherwise the fish looks good and there are no other signs of disease. She is still eating. I tried worming with the Jungle medicated food but she won't eat it. Could this be an internal blockage / infection?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time,
Is this a fw question? LOL im playin :pId wait it out maybe the fish is still digesting the food?!?!?! How often do u feed ur fish?

do u have a pic? did you use prazipro to treat for flukes or worms? w/o a pic, it is hard to say..but this would be my first guess...and guess is the operative word.
I have tried to take a photo but she hides... have not undertaken any treatment but do have prazipro. As an aside I thought prazipro in solution was ineffective against internal parasites??? I can certainly use it if required????

Am at work now but tried to feed her this morning before I left. Now shes not eating so I'm really worried. Looking down from above the fish she definitely is huge.

I have tried to maintain very high water quality in her quarantine tank. There are no detectable nitrates or phosphates and she gets regular water changes....but I guess I noticed a gradual increase in her size last week and probably should have been proactive rather than waiting till now when the problem is so obvious. FWIW I have maracyn 1 & 2 but dont know which if any would be beneficial.
Hopefully Lee will chime in soon.

I had a blueface angel with a similar condition
but had redness..flukes or worms in my case as I introduce a fish that I didn't qt..that was in 2010 n now QT everything
Sorry to hear of the problem. Quite often the matter is a type of dropsy seen in freshwater fishes. The underlying problem is an intestinal bacterial infection. This can also be a bacterial infection within the body of the fish, too.

I would not suggest this is an intestinal parasite unless you have the 'poop' to prove it. Instead, I would move the fish to a QT and treat with an antibiotic that goes inside (systemic) the fish. Maracyn Two for Saltwater fishes is one choice, but use this one at double the recommended concentration. I'd prefer to use a product that contains Neomycin.

Thank you both for your replies.

Lee there is no poop irregularity that I can see.I have added maracyn2 to the tank. However this morning there is an interesting development: the fish is periodically twitching and scratching. Still can't see any external spots.

My question is would it be reasonable to assume the fish may be harboring MI or similar? In this case should cupramine be avoided as goldflakes are supposedly very sensitive to it? Also I am tempted to start immediate hyposalinity or cupramine ....but is it prudent to wait until I see something concrete before commencing any treatment ?


Well, whatever you do, do NOT do hyposalinity AND copper in the same tank..this will be instant death to the fish...

so you do not see any whiteness to the poop? if so, then I would suspect fluke or worms..
I would not assume parasites with bloating. Bloating is usually an internal infection. Without seeing spots I'd not jump to the conclusion of external parasites.

Cupramine is safe on all marine fishes.
Just thought I'd update the outcome.

The little goldflake recommenced feeding a few days into antibiotic treatment and is now looking really good. Theres no signs of the bloat at all!

So while she still has some time yet before she completes quarantine I am very impressed with her turnaround .

thanks for all your help