Blue Jellyfish!!!!????!!!

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I will try to get some pics of it in the tube when the lights come on, but currently I am looking for a bigger tube so it can be a more permenant home for the jelly, he seems quite happy in the smaller one though
hmmm i dont know what i really think of this its cool but on the other hand jellys do have purpose built tanks but if u have it setup up in a tube and im thinking of what it in my mind it dosent seem so bad i will be able to judge better with pics very intresting idea tho
Don't know much about jellyfish husbandry. But, there is an 'advanced aquarist' article on this subject in the June, 2007 issue of FAMA. I'm going from memory and I don't have the issue in front of me. I'm sure it was June, 2007, but not sure if it truly was FAMA or some other publication. :oops:

Anyway, even if the article isn't about the specific jellyfish you are keeping, it may give some good general advice. :)

Thanks I will look into it see if there is some more info. I ran out of batteries so no pics yet hopefully tonight