Bojangles 200g reef

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These are a couple pictures I just wanted to throw in. I was taking pictures of everything else they felt left out and tried hogging my lens. :)
Well...the butterfly died of cycanide poisoning a week or so after I got him. There remains only one place that i can get livestock from of any quality around here. From that LFS 8 of 9 survived so I'll continue to go to them.

Anyway here are some specs I took this morning while I was waiting for my shipment from Petsolutions.

Ph: 8.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
salinity 1.025

Ph: 8.5
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Salinity 1.026

I'll post pictures in a few after everything has settled down.
Unfortunately I've had some losses in the last 2 months. My copperband butterfly died of cycanide poisoning and my dragon goby jumped out =-(

However there has been some birth to go along with the tragedy, such as in life yes?

My toadstool coral has fragged itself twice, creating 2 new corals!
The xenia has also fragged itself creating 3 new sprouts.
Blue mushrooms have been reproducing now equaling 13!
Candycane coral (teal) 40% growth!
Lastly what I believe to be a bullseye coral has doubled in size.

I'm keeping one toadstool and the other frags will be traded off for different stuff hehe
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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:56 pm Post subject:


I placed an order on 12/10 to Petsolutions and heres what I got

2" Gigas Clam
4" Carnation coral
5-Blue Reef Chromis
4" Copperband Butterfly
3" Diamond goby

They've been in q/t for 8 days and I've decided to put them into the main tank now!

Everything has been eatting both flakes, brine and mysis. All in good health and alert. Unfortunately the diamond goby jumped out last night. Figures he would find the 1/2 inch slot between the hood and the emperor 400 power filter the day I was gonna move him
I'm having considerable trouble with the carnation coral. I cannot find a placement for him that he likes and he's losing color. The poor thing didn't ship well at all and I think I may lose it in the end.

Finally got a decent shot of the sunrise dottyback this morning with the rest of the photos.

The last surviving sailfin molly came out of q/t today too. He's going into the 200g as a reward for having survived the power outage that killed my mantis and the other 3 mollys
I actually traded the carnation for a large devil's hand. I had mine for 4 weeks and he was losing a bit of color but otherwise healthy. They're a deepwater coral and supposed to be kept with VERY VERY little light and strong current. So basically actinics and a powerhead facing him.

I'm trading some leather and candycane coral frags for other stuff this week and I'll post up what I got =-)

Heres a picture of what he looked like the last day I had him


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Man I really havent had much time to post or do any pictures but I tried my best.

I did some frag trading and heres what I got. I traded a toadstool leather and a Fiji candycane coral for a nice frogspawn with 5 heads.

I traded the carnation to the pet store and got a devil's hand that I've been looking for. Its about 4 inches high and 5 or so across. The rock it came on also had 2 kenya trees and the devil's hand has about 3 "sprouts" comming out of the base.
I went to Indoor Reef today and picked up 2 small maroon clowns and a few loose mushrooms. The clowns nipped at eachother at first but the next day began swimming around together just fine.
Heres a couple of updates from the coral progression. The lights are off right now and I didn't manage to get them all but heres a few pictures.

One of the baby toadstool corals I'm going to keep, 2 of 4 got traded and I still have 2. I mgiht trade them in to Indoor Reef later when they get alittle larger unless someone wants them locally. I had to move the mother colony to the other side of the tank to keep them from shadowing eachother.

Theres a picture of a frag I got awhile back. Its a trumpet coral (as far as I know and the guy I got it from didn't know either). Its looks tons better and I've moved it to the center top of my tank attached to a slab of rock.

I'll also include a coral that I'm rather proud of. Its an Indonesian candycane coral and its come quite a long way from what it once was.
The candycane coral looks great! Like the clowns alot, too.
Thanks for looking !! I'll be posting some full tank shots after I get my new lights and maybe change around some of the rockwork. I like how it is but I think I need to move my big toadstool closer to the floor where he is. I moved him but I cant tell if he likes it yet.

I should have the lights by next week =-)
Unfortunately my power was out for almost 2 days! My sump flooded and busted the crossmember of the tank and 3 baffles, and god knows what else to my livestock so I'm going to have to take care of the tank and I'll post here with the news...