Book recommendations.

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Nov 14, 2006
Syracuse, NY
I would like to get book recommendations for reef keeping. I have been out of the water so to speak for quite sometime and want to get my feet wet again. I have read Thiel's books but know that much had changed since then. Thanks for the help.
i dont anything, but i do know this.

you will get better info, more ideas, and replies to questions you might have, by posting here and other forums related to salt water tank keeping
i dont anything, but i do know this.

you will get better info, more ideas, and replies to questions you might have, by posting here and other forums related to salt water tank keeping

im lost how is asking about what reef books are good bad?? or not related to saltwater tank keeping? now if you are refering to a specific question he might have about a certain subject then I see your point. but asking about something to read is not bad at all.
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i was simply saying, that buying a book is a waste of money, when you have access to the internet. theres serveral sights, including this one, that will give much better info then a book written by one guy, from his point of veiw.

the internet will give you POV from thousands of people.

never said it was a bad idea. (more of a waste of time)

like i said IMO
Respectfully, I beg to differ. Reading is the BEST way to get an in depth understanding of a wide area of knowledge. Added to practical experience, it is unbeatable. Americans must never forget to read as much and as often as possible. There are many awesome books available. I wish I started looking a lot sooner. Could have kept a lot more animals alive and had a lot more fun. Reading is Fun-damental
killer idea.....

very true, i didnt mean to come off like dont read, reading is important. never stop reading!.........
Agree with Mike, a good book or three read cover to cover is the best thing a person new to the hobby can do to have a solid foundation of knowledge from which to ask questions and understand the answers given. There are a lot of crazy things recommended by folks on the net and a lot of difference of opinion on things that dont have a definite answer. So I, personally, would not recommend anyone lauching out in the hobby without a good overall understanding that can be best gained from a good book. The learning never ends though and no book can have everything you need, so after you digest the basics you can then look for specifics via forum sites like this and collections of articles like I am rather partial to the works of Fenner and Calfo. Conciencious marine aquarist, Natural marine aquarist: invert, and coral propagation book by Calfo.
I was looking for books that I could bring with me on my upcoming military deployment. I will not have web access while there. I appreciate the suggestion to use the web and fellow reef keepers.
most of the books can be ordered I believe on premium aquatics a sponser of this site. If not amazon should have them.

This will really fill your head up. Right now there is not book that matches it for reef tanks

The Reef Aquraium , Vol. 1, 2 and 3 by Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeek. Vol 3 just came out and is very, very good. There is lots of info in this vol you will find nowhere else.
Well as far as service goes in my 15 years I have served in the USMC, the Army and am currently in the Air Force. Thanks for the support.
I would definitely say buying a book at a fish store is a major ripoff. Amazon has just about everything for unbeatable prices. JMO
The fish store that I would use is owned by a hobbiest and is not a chain store. He has tanks of his own and his selection of books is way better than the chain store's. I really needed the info on what others who are up to date on the hobby thought because I have been away from the hobby for many years. I would normally drive out to the local guy but I moved and now it's a little further away than I want to drive without getting more info on what to look for. I could ask the owner but he may steer me to what he has only because he has it(not that his advise is bad) but I would rather be an informed consumer than one who has buyers remorse. Thanks.