Both gallons (a 2.5 gallon build)

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
seattle, wa
While trying to scrounge a whopping 2 pounds of LR somebody mentioned they'd like to see this come together so, I'll attempt to be diligent about maintaining a thread.

First though, the philosophy behind this tank. I have had a few reefs in my past and worked or volunteered for a couple public aquariums. With my tanks I never had the cash I thought was necessary to make them perfect and eventually gave up. This tank will be made from as many spare parts and scrounged stuff as possible. Additionally, one of the expenses I was bad at was buying (and using) test kits. I will NEVER test the water in this tank. I will monitor the temp, that's it. Because I will be purchasing my SW premixed at the LFS, I will have them test their salinity and that will be as close as I get to monitoring any chemical parameter.

To counter my lack of monitoring, I will be doing at least weekly water changes. I figure at about .2 gallons per water change, they won't take too long.

My livestock is designed to deal with my philosophy. I'll have about 2 pounds of LR, a couple of astrea snails, a couple of sexy shrimp (maybe up to 4), star polyp, and a small goby or blenny that will be cool with a bare bottom.

Filtration will come from an overflow that I added to one side which will house a huge mini-jet 404 and the chaeto. I also have a little HOB which will run for a few hours per day with carbon in it. I should be able to clean the filter media once or twice per week to make sure it's helping and not hurting things.

No skimmer, there's no space. Besides, with all the good that skimmers do, they do remove some stuff I don't want removed. With so little water, I just assume do more water changes and replenish what's been used by the inhabitants as a way of exporting nitrates.

Lighting is fancy too. I have a swingarm desklamp with a 10 watt 50/50 screw in PC bulb. With my livestock, I can't imagine I'd need more. If so, there's always the 20 watt bulb! But with star polyp, even with the lid on to minimize evaporation, I can't imagine I'd need more than 10 watts.

That's it. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Heck, tell me I'm nuts for trying to set up a tank that I won't test chemistry on, just do so constructively (or humorously).

Here's a pic. The light you see behind the tank is not the light that will end up there. I think the pic was tank prior to investing in my $16 lighting system.

Which reminds me, here's the breakdown on what I've spent...

I had the tank, mini-jet, heater, and desk lamp
I paid $0.54 for the piece of acrylic
$5 for the silicone
~$5 for plumbing bit and pieces (a rubber grommet, an elbow, and a foot of 1/2" tubing)
$16 for the light bulb
$5 for the 5 gallons of water

That's it, about $30 and this thing is ready for livestock.

I have a couple folks willing to help me out on that front, so I'll update as it comes along...



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Well, this took some time. I had to weigh all of my options and maticulously arrange everything in mind before making an attempt at creating the show piece below. Having two whole pieces of rock the scaping possibilities just seemed endless. Do I put this piece on top or bottom, left or right.

To make matters even more difficult, I had THREE pieces of rock to choose from but they didn't all fit! It was terrible. But in the end I think I picked the correct two pieces.

I'll fiddle with the arrangement over the next month trying every possible configuration I can come up with. This process may very well take me 10's of minutes in total, I hope I can find the time.


Seriously though, I'm thinking that the longer piece should be on the left instead of the right. Thoughts and opinions?

LOL!!! I've spent 8 hours straight to complete mental exhaustion trying to figure out the same thing :lol: Aquascaping can be a real challenge especially for someone like me with a touch of OCD! Looks great though and will look different once you get all the other marine life in there :)
I'll try to get some pics of the 1 gallon i set up for my son posted. we do weekly water changes (lol at a whopping 1-2 cups of water it takes forever) other than feeding the livestock which consists of a red legged hermit and a yellow tailed blue damsel and bi daily ro top offs we do nothing but enjoy the tank. Life is simple and happy and the tank is doing great. the only filtration comes from the 1.5 lbs of lr and the couple pounds of live sand. oh yeah and the green star's are doing great under the 15w florescent.
I need to take some new pics but I thought I'd update this log anyway. I've rearranged the rock several times. I was being sarcastic when I joked about that previously but this time I'm serious. The rounder rock got rotated and the longer one flipped. It's incredible how many ways I've tried but I like it as it sits now. (You'll see it when I post)

I got a small GSP frag, an astrea snail, and a red legged hermit crab...oh, and some chaeto. The GSP will grow and I just need to be patient but, to encourage things a little more I'll get me one more frag.

Finally, I don't think I have enough. The minijet 404 is rated for 106 gph and the red sea nano HOB is what, 50gph? I think I'm going to get me an external eheim pump, the one that rates about 170 gph. I'll split the return so that one goes into the tank directly where the HOB does and the other attaches to where the minijet does. I'll have a T on the return to where the minijet goes incase I need to further reduce flows, but I think 2 will be fine.

I have little white things all over the glass. At first I thought they were little brittle stars but I watched the snail recoil when he bumped into one. They're less than 1/16" in diameter. Are they some sort of Cnidarian? Hydroids? Any ideas? Photos haven't really come out.
I would have had pics to add to this, but my camera died. I'm shopping for knew one. In the meantime, I upped the flow by losing the HOB and the minijet and replaced those with an Eheim 1048 running through the same port that the minijet was. Originally, the Eheim was run through 3 ports, 2 where the HOB was and one where the minijet was. The plumbing apparatus that it took to make that happen was ridiculous and the flow was nothing impressive. I took down to the one port and got rid of all of the valves to reduce the plumbing.

Now I'm considering upping the tank size. Not because I want something bigger, but because I'm thinking of adding a protein skimmer. There just isn't space to skim in a 2.5. But I think a 5 would allow me the space I need! I would use either the tunze or the Urchin nano. Thoughts on either of these?