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Feb 27, 2005
S.Dakota (1 LFS)
I caught one in a bag, its a little one, are they good or bad? Should i keep in tank or get rid of?
Keep him he's good. He's a detrivore. I have never had one bother anything.

I've asked in another thread and was told it was a good thing by majority of the replies...let me see if I can find it.
They are good I think. For real fun rub it in your eye, or keep it in your pants for a hour.
I am allergic to them. When they sting me my fingers swell up and get real stiff and wont bend at all. Then they itch and burn for about a week and then the skin cracks and peels off and bleeds some. I try to avoid touching them. LOL
LOL!!! Steve you should try rubbing some lemon and salt on your skin craks :D .. just kiddin.
i say keep them dood they will eat any food left.
wrightme43 said:
They are good I think. For real fun rub it in your eye, or keep it in your pants for a hour. I am allergic to them. When they sting me my fingers swell up and get real stiff and wont bend at all. Then they itch and burn for about a week and then the skin cracks and peels off and bleeds some. I try to avoid touching them. LOL

lol...thats classic
Well i ditched the ones i could

Steve, quit drinking before you reply to my post, this is a family forum
Jiddy needs good advice, mixed with bad advice. He likes it. That way he knows that he is loved. LOL I know I am going straight to H E double hockey sticks, but at least I will know people.
Jiddy needs good advice, mixed with bad advice. He likes it. That way he knows that he is loved. LOL I know I am going straight to H E double hockey sticks, but at least I will know people.

:lol: :lol:
Bristle worms are a beneficial animal to have in a reef tank. if it were not for their scavenging there would be a lot of pollution in a tank. as is with most scavengers their numbers are controlled by the available food, they represent biodiversity, it is not good to kill something just because we do not like or want it. in over 12 yrs I have never seen a bristle harm anything. yes their bristles are painful. arrow crabs will eat them. there is a worm called a fire worm, (same as bristle except it is fire red, it is a carnivore) the bristles are not. there are people who sell them and also lots of buyers.
Jiddy said:
Steve, quit drinking before you reply to my post, this is a family forum
Jida I dont drink or drug, I am just like this normally. It gets real ugly when I drink, I'm allergic, I break out in spots. LOL
Rugie you bring up a good point, its hard to find with Steve buzzing around saying whatever he thinks, but Rugie, i dont know if these where fire or bristle, the one i found it out, and im sure there was plenty that survived the FW dips

I also find a little starfish, it was tiger striped and looked like a brittle star, it was smaller than a pencil eraser, any clues as to what kind?
I also find a little starfish, it was tiger striped and looked like a brittle star, it was smaller than a pencil eraser, any clues as to what kind?

No clue...That's really small...
The little serpent star is a little serpent star, no problems. The bristle worms are bristle worms. You will know if you have a fire worm.
lol !!! Steve :D .
I think Fatherhood is kicking up on Steve that's why he's like this LOL .... just kiding dood.
Jiddy bom bom you should check out the worm gallery in here just so you know what does a fire worm looks like if you think you got a fire worm (some of them are not bad only the ones that eat corals)
The serpent star is good for your sand i believe :) dood
The mini brittlestars are great for your tank. You'll often find them poking their arms out of holes in the live rock, especially after you feed the tank.