Brown color

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Feb 24, 2007
Okay, I am in tank cycling stage right now, and I have hit the brown stuff phase. Can someone tell me what this is all about? and how long it will last? It seems to have mainly started on the live rock and the sand areas first, but now I see it slightly on the tank glass as well. It does not appear to be bothering anything at all, but it is taking away from the brightness of my tank, and I would like to know how to deal with this, or what the life span is lol. Thanks in advance for the info.

this is possibly brown diotom algea
hard to tell with out a pic
this is a normal part of tank cyclingand should go away
with consistant water changes using RO water
Thanks Newbe, I'll wait it out and see what happens then. I'll update this thread as it takes place.

I agree...Sounds like the normal diatoms everyone at one point or the other experiences during a cycle. It feeds off of silicates in the water, excess nutrients etc and will go away as the tank cycles and matures. No worries:)
Im glad to read that the brown film goes away it's been a good week with the stuff but it seems to be slowly retreating. I noticed a little less light works wonders as well. jim
Yeah...A little less light will help, but not rid the problem. As water quality improves though it will:)
Okay gang I'll keep you all posted. I did notice that my one large upright piece of live rock is slowy getting its original brighter coloring back as of today. The crabs are also helping lol!! they seem to be eating soem of the the brown stuff off of my live rocks. I hope they keep it up lol. Thanks for chiming in gang.
