Brown Stuff

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Mar 26, 2005
Hi I have just started a new tank and I think I am going into the algae bloom stage. My tank has a brown looking film all over it which makes the substrate look burnt. As I have never owned a saltwater tank before I was just wondering what the best thing is to do in order to battle this situation. I was thinking of getting a few snails but is there anything else I can do?
How long has the tank been set up? It sounds like a diatom bloom. If all your parameters are ok, it might be good to add a bunch of snails.
Crank up that skimmer and let 'er ride my friend, it all takes time. The more time the better.
Did your tank finish its cycle? Ammonia 0, nitrites 0? As Charlie said - may be time to add some clean-up critters. Diatoms are part of the initial stage of algaes.....sounds like you're on your way!
Sounds familiar - diatoms a powdery brown algae that cover the rocks and require daily use of the magnetic scraper on the front of the tank

As stated above this is a common occurance with newly set up tanks and silicate is utilised by this species to construct its skeleton

The bloom will last a few days/ weeks and then it will gradualy fade

Rhowphos is often used in UK in freshly set up tanks as this does remove silicates in addition to phospates (I assume its availble there?)

But in majority of cases as previoulsy mentioned it will dissapear on its own accord

Turbos and other grazers will also help to control it in the mean time
Thanks Guys the Tank has only been set up for approximately 1 month. Thanks for the info. I'm glad the diatoms will clear up themselves. My only drama is I think I have added my clown fish too early. My LFS sold me a bio starter and after using that for two weeks said it would be fine to add them. I have read a fair bit since then and know I should have waited before putting fish in but since I already have them do you think this stage of the tank will effect them?
Clowns are the same as damsels. Tough as nails. They can be killed or sickened, but it is a litter more difficult than other fish. Depending on the levels of am, ni, and na in your tank the answer could be yes or no. Let us know. Steve
My buddies "fish guy" told me that you dont want to run big MH's when you have a new/bare tank because algae will grow because nothin will "suck" up the light, so wait until you fill your tank before you upgrade? Any truth in that?
Ok I will keep that in mind and just so everyone knows the tank is clearing up and the fish are doin fine - except they don't go in the anemone ????? A BIG THANKS to everyone you guys rock!
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