BTA eat question

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
Hi Anthony and members.

I get 2 BTA than kind of bleach (from anthony), I read than with the proper feeding they will came back to their color.

Well I have been feed them with siverside everyday and with coralfrenzy 2 times a week for 15 days from now.

They seem to get better the smaller one has been doing very good they has start to extend the tentacles. But yesterday after I feed her a few hous latter she spit the silverside (through it up) Is this comoun? the pice I think wasn´t too big. Should I cut it more?

Thanx a lot.
Feed smaller pieces, smaller than the mouth. I would skip the coralfrenzy completely for anemones.
What kind of lighting do you have? How big are they?

I have them unther 250w MH 14000k and 2 T5 39w

But they are ok ligthing refer they have move they self a place where they are confortable.

the first one is like 3" the biger one is hard to tel a will say 5"
Feed smaller pieces, smaller than the mouth. I would skip the coralfrenzy completely for anemones.

The pices tahn I have been giving them are smal, they put them in the mounth very fast withing a minute, but I will try to make them thiner.

I will skip target feeding Coral frenzy to see how it goes.
anenomes are very herbivours creatures i dont know how many people know this but feeding silver side every day might be a bit much
does this "coral frenzy" contain algeas? if so keep using it instead of silver side why not try enriched brineshrip i know this is still meat but if u get spirulina stuffed brine should be golod i feed my bubble tips every other day they are under minimum lighting but have lived so for 2 years or just under with the lighting u have and everyother day feeding they shouldnt be to much hassel at all for u best of luck in all your problems
How about getting a host for them. My pair of Maroons take care of a RBA and SBTA. Both have great color and the clowns seem to know when they should be feed. I am not an expert but I do think a good host helps keep an anemone healthy. Lighting and water help to:)
If an anemone is already stressed, (ie bleached) a clownfish adds to the stress and doesnt help them out any. If anything it weakens them further. Maroons in particular are "rough" on anemones. Also, its kind of a nit picky thing, but the anemone is the host, not the clowns...;)

I'm not sure if you meant that Anemones survive primarily on the zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae inside them), but anemones are most certainly not herbivores. They are meat eaters that shouldnt eat frequently when healthy. When bleached out, they should be fed 2-3 times weekly until they regain they're zoox levels and color back up.

If they are bleached, you should be feeding them 2-3 times a week, and smaller pieces. If they are still spitting up the food, the food is either too big for them, or they havent finished digesting what they've previously eaten.
Dont feed the coral frenzy, I would stick w/ silver sides, and not feed for a week or so. Over feeding can cause more stress.

If an anemone is already stressed, (ie bleached) a clownfish adds to the stress and doesnt help them out any. If anything it weakens them further. Maroons in particular are "rough" on anemones. Also, its kind of a nit picky thing, but the anemone is the host, not the clowns...;)

Ok Ok I told you I was no expert :) Anyways i think I had beginners luck with mine. I have a pair of very non aggressive Maroons. I know its rare but they do not bother any of the other fish. Even when they had eggs. I am knocking on wood but both of the anemones are very healthy and my tank is less then 7 months old. Of course the established live rock, the great fantastic :D people on Reef Frontiers ( I could not have done this with out their help) and the 100 gal sump might have something to do with it.
If they are bleached, you should be feeding them 2-3 times a week, and smaller pieces. If they are still spitting up the food, the food is either too big for them, or they havent finished digesting what they've previously eaten.
Dont feed the coral frenzy, I would stick w/ silver sides, and not feed for a week or so. Over feeding can cause more stress.


Thanx a lot I will stick with silver and slow the food to 3 times a week mon, wnd, friday.

I really want them to get better.
glad to hear your anemones are doing well. Keep up the good work.

Do you have picture of the anemones? I'm guessing that you meant that Anthony told you it was bleached?

In your post you talk about a RBTA and a SBTA...but the 2nd picture you attached is of a LTA, M.doreensis. Its a different anemone than Bubble Tip Anemones.

In your post you talk about a RBTA and a SBTA...but the 2nd picture you attached is of a LTA, M.doreensis. Its a different anemone than Bubble Tip Anemones.


Hi Nick
I was told it was a Sebae blue tip Anemone. Please let me know if I am wrong. This one is around 15" round with blue or purple tips and likes to live on the rocks. At least thats how I got her. She is on a 15lb+- rock. Does the LTA have blue or purple tips also? Thanks Jeff
Do you have picture of the anemones? I'm guessing that you meant that Anthony told you it was bleached?


1 complete tank
2 pocicion (as you can see the second one on the botom is kind of side and is hard to feed)
3 this is the small the one is place on the top and is the one I have been more able to feed. After 15 days of food I can see the tencles expande.
4 as you can see tis annemone the tentacle are more samll and this one is 3X the size of the firts annemone

The tips are extend but the make the bubble tip some time on the day




Hi Nick
I was told it was a Sebae blue tip Anemone. Please let me know if I am wrong. This one is around 15" round with blue or purple tips and likes to live on the rocks. At least thats how I got her. She is on a 15lb+- rock. Does the LTA have blue or purple tips also? Thanks Jeff

What color is the base of the anemone? Is it red or orange?

If it is, its an LTA. The color of the tips has nothing to do with the species of anemone. I think I remember your previous thread about the anemone...
1 complete tank
2 pocicion (as you can see the second one on the botom is kind of side and is hard to feed)
3 this is the small the one is place on the top and is the one I have been more able to feed. After 15 days of food I can see the tencles expande.
4 as you can see tis annemone the tentacle are more samll and this one is 3X the size of the firts annemone

The tips are extend but the make the bubble tip some time on the day





Aaron, those are severly bleached. If they are eating they definately need to be fed 3x a week. Dont do it more than that. over feeding will cause more stress to the anemone.
After a few weeks, you may start to see small dark colored areas on the anemones.....they will look like streaks of dirt. This is a good thing. Its zooxanthellae that is regrowing in the anemone. Once the anemone's have fully colored back up, you can cut back on the feeding to maybe once a month or so.

Nice looking tank!

What color is the base of the anemone? Is it red or orange?

If it is, its an LTA. The color of the tips has nothing to do with the species of anemone. I think I remember your previous thread about the anemone...

The color looks like a tan or light brown. Thanks
i did not mean symibotic algea but plantmater know i was only quoting what was told to me, have u ever feed ur anenomes marine green or phyto plankton works a treat for me they still do get meat so maybe i should of said omnivore, would of been more what i was looking for as i said to sill feed brine shrimp
thank you for the anemone thread - I have an anemone that split about er 6 weeks ago? It/they look just like yours. White except the base which is brown. When it was one it would eat a 3 WHOLE silversides now they are on baby food and (mysis the hiro-something kind (frozen defrosted and rinsed in RO/DI) FINALLY! starting to get a little tee tiny bit of color but one of them still hides from the light(go figure).
Sorry for the hijack... just thought the info might be helpful.