BTA ?s

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Jul 12, 2006
Fresno, CA
Okay, I've got a few questions. Now before I purchased the GBTA, I did my homework on them, and researched quite a bit, but now that the anemone is in my tank, I'm nervous and really want it to do well, and might feel a little more at ease, if I can get a few opinions.

First, when I purchased my anemone yesterday evening, I also bought a bag of frozen whole krill. How often should I feed the GBTA and how much?

Second, the lighting in the store that the anemone was under, was pretty far away from the actual tank (up far too high to be giving adequate lighting), so I'm worried that where I've placed my anemone will shock it, because of the more intense lighting. When I placed it in the tank yesterday, it grabbed hold of the rock I was trying to place in, and it hadn't moved at all, but has kind of stayed small. Not necessarily shrunk, because all of the tentacles seem to be out, and bulb tipped, but not really expanding its disc. Could this be because it is still acclimating to the lighting and tank?

Also, its really wedged into a crevice right now, it's taken hold on the underside of a rock in the back of the tank, and is pretty much hidden from view. I can see it, and it is open (not completely IMO), but it can't be getting that much light where it is, but again, I'm thinking it is trying to acclimate itself to the much brighter lighting. IMO, it appears to be healthy, with its tentacles out, and it is kind of in a position to gain a little light, but not that much. Am I worrying over nothing, and its kind of in a lighting shock right now?

I know from everything I've read that a moving anemone is an unhappy one, so should I take it that since it has not yet attempted to move to another spot, that it is happy, and is just taking a little time to acclimate to its new tank?

Thanks all, and will post pics soon.
You can cut your lighting time, or defuse your lighting with egg crate. The bta will find a place that it likes, it will keep moving till it finds the light to its liking and the flow to its liking.
Just let it be for while and monitor it. It's still adjusting etc. If it's not getting enough light it will move around until it's happy. Don't try to feed it just yet, give it a few days to adjust.
Thanks, will do. Got it on Saturday, and it seems to be doing well, although it is still in the back of my tank, kinda tucked away, but I can see him a little bit. He looks healthy and everything, and extends further and further each day.
Sounds like he's settling in nicely. Mine did the same thing for about a week then he started to move out towards more light. Now he's up front and center full extended..

GBTA is doing well. Really expanding quite nicely, and looking very healthy. Still kinda behind all the rocks in the back of the tank, but each day seems to be stretching further and further to collect light. My ocellaris clown has taken to the GBTA quite nicely as well. I love that symbiotic relationship!