Bubble Algae Removal ????

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
I just found some bubble algae on a small rock( about the size of a ping pong ball ). This is the only rock that it is on. As far as I can see.
I would just pull the rock, but it has a small finger leather attached to it. How to I rid the algae without losing the coral?
Try to pry it off without popping it. If you pop one, you’ll need to wash/scrub the rock. Or get an emerald crab, they are good at taking care of bubble algae.
If the rock is that small, just take it out of the tank, you can keep it in a container with tank water but you dont need to, and pluck the algae off. As long as you dont break it, it will not spread. If you try to get it off while in the tank, and you pop it, you will have tons of them popping up all over.
Not fun....been there...done that...tackled it!
I have emerald crabs..They are fun to have, but dont know how much they actually helped. If you cant find any, let me know.
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Same thing everyone has said about manual removal. Don't do it in the tank and do everything you can not to pop it. If it does pop just scrub down the rock and your finger leather should be fine. You can always cut the finger leather off the rock and if you get just a little bit of the rock under the leather you can mount it to a new clean rock and discard that infect piece of stone we must have given you :confused: If you cut it off without anything there to glue it down with then just put it in a cup with some rubble for a week or so and it will attach itself to one of the pieces.
Thanks Eric, I will probably cut the leather from the rock and ditch the rock. Nellie found two more rocks with it. I will do the same with them. I am also going to contact BR to see if they have any Emerald Crabs in stock.

Thanks IPisces, For offering to give me crabs. lol I will let you know later this week if BR has any or not. I may take you up on your offer.